Egor Aleksandrovich Michailov
He is accused of setting fire to a T72 tank in a military train at the Ozerishche railway station in Stepyanka by throwing a Molotov cocktail with the inscription “OGSB” at it on the night of January 31. According to the prosecution, Mikhailov did this out of “his political views,” but the accused himself denies this in court.
At the end of December 2021, it became known about Yegor’s transfer from Prison No. 4 of VIC No. 17.
At the beginning of October 2023, it became known that Yegor was transferred to pre-trial detention center-1, he had another trial on October 5, 2023. The political prisoner was charged with Art. 342 part 1 (organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them). The result of the trial was another 6 months in prison.
On December 12, 2023, an appeal hearing was held under Article 342, Part 1, and the verdict entered into force.
How to write a letter
✏️ A postcard with words of encouragement (a poem by your favorite author, song lyrics, or a beautiful quote). Trust us, even such simple gestures are very meaningful to a person in jail.
✏️ Your life events. To a person who is in isolation for a long time, any story about your routine endeavors will be a window into normal life. Your day-to-day worries and mundane matters are much more interesting than the daily grind of life behind bars.
✏️ It is important to share news. Mention the most notable and interesting occurrences depending on your pen-pal's interests.
✍️️ Remember that every letter is censored. This means that your letters are read by strangers whose main goal is to limit inmates' access to information or to use it against the prisoners or even you.
So try to avoid:
👉️️ harsh statements regarding ongoing political matters
👉 statements against the authorities and public servants
👉 foul language
👉 discussion of the circumstances of the criminal case