Vladimir Vladimirovich Tyukhay
  • Stowarzyszenia
  • Urzędnicy służby cywilnej
Vladimir Vladimirovich Tyukhay
Potencjalne prześladowania
Bank listów 0
Miasto rodzinne: Mińsk
< 10
nieznane informacje
  • Stowarzyszenia
  • Urzędnicy służby cywilnej
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Vladimir Tyukhay is 37 years old. He graduated from a private university - the Institute of Parliamentarism and Entrepreneurship. Tyukhay received his first fame in 2008. Then he was the secretary of the Minsk Communist Party and an employee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union. In order to prevent the relatives and associates of political prisoner Alexander Barozenko from attending the trial, he completely filled the hall with students from Minsk universities. In response to the indignation of the political prisoner’s mother, he pushed her so that she fell into her husband’s arms. In 2020, the man helped the police patrol the streets. He complained to the ONT TV channel that “he couldn’t go out with his family on Sunday.” Therefore, they say, he and nine other friends joined squads to “monitor whether an unauthorized event is taking place somewhere.”

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