I'm looking for a job, Польша и другие страны ЕС remote work avavilable
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Student of the Faculty of International Relations. Looking for a job in graphic design or illustration. Fluent in English and Polish at B2–C1 level. Can translate texts and write materials.
Graduate of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, majoring in Political Science. I have three years of experience writing political articles for Novaya Gazeta, creating graphic materials and authoring two political documentaries. I am looking for a job in political science or political journalism.
I'm looking for a job, Minsk remote work avavilable
I am the wife of a political prisoner, returning from maternity leave, looking for a job/part-time job, any kind, remotely. She worked as an administrator, a customer service manager, and led an English language club in a kindergarten. Ready to relearn.
Pavlova Olga, civil activist. Looking for remote work or work in Wroclaw (Poland). Experience in sales (receiving orders, drawing up contracts, signing, shipping), working with clients. I also have experience in marketing (cosmetology), organizing large events, training, and extensive experience in public speaking. I completed an SEO course and am undergoing training in creating websites on Wordpress. Knowledge of languages: Belarusian, Russian, English. Higher medical education (diploma of the Republic of Belarus).
After the 2020 elections, he condemned the actions of the authorities and resigned from the authorities - he was soon detained and ended up in the dock, from where he was sent to “chemistry”. Having fully served his sentence, he was released with severely impaired health and outstanding lawsuits from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It turned out to be very difficult to find a job, in addition, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus was already diagnosed. I really need help with finding a job (non-physical labor).
Providing advice and explanations on legal issues to individuals and legal entities; - drafting claims, applications, complaints and other documents of a legal nature; - representing clients in courts, including at the stage of execution of court decisions, as well as in state bodies, other organizations, including their governing bodies, and before individuals; - participation in pre-trial proceedings and criminal courts as a defense counsel, as well as a representative of victims, civil plaintiffs, civil defendants; - participation in administrative proceedings as a defense counsel, representative of the victim, others individuals or legal entities that are participants in the administrative process; - conducting a legal assessment of documents and ensuring business activities.
Good afternoon. I can’t find a job, they don’t take them, they refer to Decree 6. Extensive experience as an accountant, knowledge of French at level C1
I'm looking for an employee remote work avavilable
У незалежнае выданне шукаюць журналістаў (таксама разглядаюцца і карэктары), якія могуць пісаць на грамадска-сацыяльныя тэмы (але спектр тэмаў гэтым не абмяжоўваецца, вядома, насамрэч, любыя). Выданне піша выключна па-беларуску, таму веданне беларускай мовы абавязковае. Таксама важна, каб чалавек быў адказны, мог аператыўна рэагаваць на падзеі.
С 14 лет работала в общепите , есть опыт работы барменом , сейчас активно изучаю программирование , знаю английский на среднем уровне , быстро нахожу общий язык с людьми
Ссылка на моё резюме https://rabota.by/resume/b4390ef2ff09e8e91d0039ed1f344348545962
высшее математическое образование или быть студентом математического факультета
стабильный интернет
5 часов свободного времени в неделю
Образовательный центр "Sapfira" приглашает педагогов/репетиторов математики для работы в онлайн проекте "Летний экспресс-курс учебник за месяц".
- возможность работать удаленно;
- гибкий график работы;
- сформированные группы учеников (до 4-х человек в группе), готовых к работе;
- стабильную оплату труда (от 300 BYN за 5 часов в неделю);
Мама политзаключенного ищет подработку. Готова к переобучению и удаленной работе.
Имею три высших образования:
1. БрГУ им. А.С. Пушкина, География - экология
2. БГУ, Юридическое - таможенное право
3. Академия управления при президенте, Экономическое - управление предприятием и экономика
На последнем месте работы занимала должность юрисконсульта в страховой компании, также работала на полставки специалистом по кадрам.
To ensure that none of political prisoners are left without attention and support the site has a function of verified sendings.
Please attach a photo or a screenshot for transfer verification. The new transfer will be posted on the site as soon as it is verified by the moderator!
Support actions
You can upload an image from the support event, and after passing moderation we will publish it.
Respond to help those released
Do you want to help a released political prisoner? Send your contact to Telegram and we will contact you.
A Keeper means you want to regularly help a specific person in prison through their family. Choose a political prisoner and click «Become a Keeper», our team will contact you shortly.
You can request the letters that we have in storage, for this, leave your telegram account for feedback, we will contact you and, after verifying your identity, we will transfer the archive with your letters.
Are you a relative or someone close to a political prisoner? Send us a short description and your Telegram contact for feedback. After data verification we will publish your relative on the website.
Do you have information about administrative prosecution? Please send us a short description and your Telegram contact for feedback. After checking the data, we will publish your information on the site.
Please leave your contact on Telegram and describe your skills in as much detail as possible. After moderation, your CV will be published on the website.
Multi upload allows you to send confirmations with one photo to several political prisoners at once, check the selected people before sending!
Please attach a photo or a screenshot for transfer verification. The new transfer will be posted on the site as soon as it is verified by the moderator!
Write to representatives
Correct translation
Application for assistance in employment or retraining
Please complete the questionnaire to enter the first stage of an interview to determine your individual needs.