According to pro-government telegram channels, Alexander and three other guys "beginning in 2020 administered four tik-tok accounts and two telegram channels. These resources published information aimed at organizing and preparing mass riots, resisting law enforcement officers in order to encroach on independence, territorial integrity, the foundations of the constitutional order of the Republic of Belarus... The guys united in a telegram group, which was recognized as an extremist formation in early November." They allegedly "should have found executors to destroy infrastructure and organize attacks on law enforcement officers."
Of the relatives, Alexander has only a sister.
Trial outcome 07.07.2023: 3 years of imprisonment in colony under enhanced security conditions.
The political prisoner was accused of filming the movement of Belarusian military equipment on his phone on March 18, 2022 in the Ivatsevichi region and sending the video to one of the telegram groups recognized as “extremist” materials. Andrei fully admitted his guilt and repented of his actions.
The man’s mobile phone was seized as a “means of committing a crime.”
Trial outcome 04.09.2023: 2 years 6 months of imprisonment in colony under general regime conditions.
According to the case materials , in February 2022, she posted a comment that "insulted and humiliated the honor and dignity" of Podvoisky, Melnik, and Kozlov and "was aimed at undermining the authority of government officials." After the publication of a video on the CyberSlivy Telegram channel with a leaked telephone conversation between Podvoisky, Melnik, and Kozlov from September 2020, which became evidence that the police were telling judges what decisions to make for participants in peaceful protests. More than two dozen people left comments under it, including Ekaterina Lev. Ekaterina was detained a year later - on February 1, 2023.
Released on August 20, 2024, after being pardoned.
The ONT TV channel showed a “repentance” video with Victoria. A criminal case was opened against her and she was placed in custody. In the story, she is accused of evading taxes, subscribing to “extremist” channels, leaking data from security forces, participating in the Peramoga plan, and financing extremist activities. The court found Victoria guilty of providing funds to knowingly support the activities of an extremist group, deliberately illegally collecting and providing information about the private life and personal data of another person without his consent.
Together with Victoria, her husband Dmitry was detained, who served 30 days of administrative arrest and was released.
Dmitry is the director of the Gomel Motor Repair Plant, the vocalist of the ethno-group “Ban-Graviyba”, and Victoria is an entrepreneur. They are also famous dancers.
Trial outcome 18.09.2023:
3 years 3 months imprisonment in a colony under general regime conditions
Dmitry Bogush worked in the banking sector for 18 years, was Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSC «Technobank». Subsequently, he went into business — built wind farms at two sites in the Grodno region.
In December 2022, 50-year—old Bogush was detained for an article about inciting discord - he allegedly wrote comments on social networks threatening Lukashenko and law enforcement officers.
According to Bogush, he was prompted to speak publicly on social networks by photos of beaten young people detained at protests after the 2020 elections.
The businessman said that he subsequently deleted his posts, but refused to leave Belarus, although his friends told him about it.
20 year old Vladislav was accused of taking photos and videos of military equipment, military personnel, as well as a military airfield in Bobruisk from February 24 to February 25, 2022.
Then Vladislav forwarded at least 9 video files and photos to a telegram channel recognized as extremist in the Republic of Belarus.
Trial outcome 27.03.2023: 2 years of imprisonment in colony under general regime conditions.
According to the case file, Tamara Karavai in December 2022 via a messenger on a social network posted slanderous information about Alexander Lukashenko.
At the hearing, Karavai fully admitted her guilt, but refused to testify.
It is known that Tamara Karavai has a dependent juvenile child.
Trial outcome 29.03.2023:
2 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of general regime.
And the court also decided to apply compulsory safety measures and treatment for chronic alcoholism to the woman at the place of serving her sentence.
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