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Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 467 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 09.08.1994
Was in: IK-2IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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defendant in a criminal case initiated under Art. 342 of the Criminal Code (Organization or active participation in group actions that grossly violate public order). He was detained on August 30, 2021, sentenced to 15 days under Art. 19.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (dissemination of extremist materials). But after the arrest, he did not go free, he was taken into custody on a criminal case.

On December 10, 2022, he was released after the expiration of his sentence.

Trial outcome:

1.5 years in prison.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 3
In custody: 729 days
Hometown: Gomel
Date of birth 30.08.1973
Was in: IUOT-51IUOT-51, 220118, Minsk, ul. Kabushkina, 54a
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According to the indictment, at the end of 2020, Natalya posted an offensive comment on one of the Telegram channels under a photograph of a man with text indicating that he was a local inspector of the Svetlogorsk District Department of Internal Affairs and was engaged in political persecution of protesters and was perjuring himself in court. And thus, according to the prosecutor, the accused publicly insulted a government official with an obscene and negative comment. In addition to the term, Natalya was awarded 700 rubles in compensation for moral damage.

November 24, 2021 The regional court satisfied the protest of the prosecutor's office and replaced the sentence with 2 years of restriction of freedom with sending to the IWOT.

At the beginning of December 2023, she was released upon expiration of her sentence.

04.12.2021 IUOT No. 51 Minsk from 02.12.2021

Trial outcome:

2 years of restriction of freedom with sending to the IUOT

Request letters Bank of letters 0
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According to the prosecution , on June 8, 2021, while intoxicated, he left the inscription "Long live Belarus" in black paint at a bus stop in the village of Letishin, Kletsk district. The size of the letters was about 30 centimeters, the amount of damage caused was 147 rubles 79 kopecks. The inscription at the stop was painted over the next day, June 9th. Sergei Timokhai has never been prosecuted before. Raises three children. He has been working at the "Belarusian Railway" for 25 years and during this time not a single violation of labor discipline has been recorded. In 2012, the minister's gratitude was announced to the accused.

Trial outcome:

3 months of arrest.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 497 days
Hometown: Minsk
Was in: IK-14IK-14, 222125, Minsk region, s.n.p. Novosady, ul. Mira 1A
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Kuzmenkov was detained for the first time on July 13, then, before trial, on July 21, 2021. He is on trial for participating in the marches on August 9 and September 6, 2020. In the city center on one of the marches he was wounded by a rubber bullet.

According to estimates by human rights activists, in the fall of 2022, he fully served his sentence.

Trial outcome 08.10.2021:

1.5 years of imprisonment in a penal colony.

Request letters Bank of letters 0
folder Categories of cases: The case of round dances, Brest, 2020
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 04.06.1960
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On September 13, 2020, at the March of Heroes in Brest, at the intersection of Cosmonauts Boulevard and Masherov Avenue, the protesters danced, sang the songs "Mura" and "Try charapakhi", and danced.

Released upon expiration of sentence.

13.10.2023 Освобожден по подсчетам

Trial outcome:

1.5 years of restriction of freedom .

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 1
In custody: 729 days
folder Categories of cases: The case of round dances, Brest, 2020
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 02.06.1992
Was in: IUOT-49IUOT-49, Shklov, Volodiozhnaya 2b, 213002
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On September 13, 2020, at the March of Heroes in Brest, at the intersection of Cosmonauts Boulevard and Masherov Avenue, the protesters danced, sang the songs "Mura" and "Try charapakhi", and danced. He pleaded not guilty in court. In Shklov, 02.01.22, it was registered as "As prone to extremism and destructive activities."

Trial outcome:

2 years of restriction of liberty .

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 1
In custody: 405 days
folder Categories of cases: Zeltser's case
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 28.07.1994
Was in: SIZO-1SIZO-1, Minsk 2 Volodarskogo St., 220030
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On October 1, 2021, he was detained in Minsk in a criminal case initiated for comments on the Internet after the death of KGB officer Dmitry Fedosyuk and IT specialist Andrei Zeltser in a Minsk apartment.

Trial outcome 21.10.2022:

1 year 8 months in prison

On November 10, he was released after the expiration of his sentence.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 861 day
folder Categories of cases: Zeltser's case
Hometown: Skoki
Date of birth 19.05.1986
Number of children: 2 children
Was in: IK-3IK №3
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On September 30, 2021, he was detained in Brest in a criminal case initiated for comments on the Internet after the death of KGB officer Dmitry Fedosyuk and IT specialist Andrei Zeltser in a Minsk apartment.

According to human rights activists, he was released at the beginning of February 2024 after the expiration of his sentence.

Trial outcome:

3 years in prison

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 552 days
folder Categories of cases: Zeltser's case
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 27.08.1990
Was in: IK-17IK №17, 213004, Shklov, ul. 1-ya Zavodskaya, 8
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On September 30, 2021, he was detained in Grodno in a criminal case initiated for comments on the Internet after the death of KGB officer Dmitry Fedosyuk and IT specialist Andrei Zeltser in a Minsk apartment.

04/04/2023 released after the expiration of the sentence.

Trial outcome:

2 years in prison

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 534 days
folder Categories of cases: Zeltser's case
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 30.05.1972
Was in: Turma №8Turma №8, Zhodino, Sovetskaya ul. 22A, 222163
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On September 30, 2021, he was detained in a criminal case initiated for comments on the Internet after the death of KGB officer Dmitry Fedosyuk and IT specialist Andrei Zeltser in a Minsk apartment. Higher education. In 1994 he graduated from the Higher Military Engineering School of Communications in St. Petersburg with a degree in multichannel telecommunications.

Released after the expiration of the sentence on March 18, 2023

Trial outcome:


Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 386 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 06.08.1970
Was in: SIZO-1SIZO-1, Minsk 2 Volodarskogo St., 220030
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On September 29, 2021, she was detained in a criminal case initiated for comments on the Internet after the death of KGB officer Dmitry Fedosyuk and IT specialist Andrei Zeltser in a Minsk apartment.

The woman was diagnosed with a tumor. On October 20, 2022, Marina was released from the Gomel SIZO-3.

Trial outcome:

1 year 7 months in prison.

Alexey Igorevich Kachanov
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Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 326 days
folder Categories of cases: Zeltser's case
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 27.08.1990
Was in: Turma №8Turma №8, Zhodino, Sovetskaya ul. 22A, 222163
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  • IT staff
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On September 30, 2021, he was detained in a criminal case initiated for comments on the Internet after the death of KGB officer Dmitry Fedosyuk and IT specialist Andrei Zeltser in a Minsk apartment.

Trial outcome 22.08.2022:

1 year 4 months in prison. The term of detention in the pre-trial detention center was included in the term of punishment and Aleksey was released in the courtroom.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 607 days
folder Categories of cases: Zeltser's case
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 11.10.1990
Was in: IK-1IK No. 1, 211440, Novopolotsk, st. Technical, 8
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On September 29, 2021, he was detained in Brest in a criminal case initiated for comments on the Internet after the death of KGB officer Dmitry Fedosyuk and IT specialist Andrei Zeltser in a Minsk apartment.

According to human rights activists, the political prisoner served his term in full and was released.

Trial outcome:

2.5 years of imprisonment in a colony under general regime conditions.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 1
In custody: 625 days
folder Categories of cases: Zeltser's case
Hometown: Zhabinka
Date of birth 12.06.1989
Was in: IK-3IK №3
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On September 29, 2021, he was detained in Kamenets in a criminal case initiated for comments on the Internet after the death of KGB officer Dmitry Fedosyuk and IT specialist Andrei Zeltser in a Minsk apartment.

06/16/2023 released after the expiration of the sentence.

Trial outcome 01.08.2022:

2 years of imprisonment in a penal colony

Artem Sergeevich Zadrutsky
  • Associations
Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 1
In custody: 821 day
folder Categories of cases: Zeltser's case
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 18.12.1985
Was in: IK-1IK No. 1, 211440, Novopolotsk, st. Technical, 8
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Sound engineer. On September 29, 2021, he was detained in a criminal case initiated for comments on the Internet after the death of KGB officer Dmitry Fedosyuk and IT specialist Andrei Zeltser in a Minsk apartment.

During his imprisonment, Artem did not receive medical assistance for his ear problems, and he became deaf in one ear.

On December 30, 2023, he was released after fully serving the sentence imposed by the court.

Trial outcome 29.12.2022:

3 years in prison.

Pre-trial detention facilities/Prisons
Minsk and Minsk region
Brest and Brest region
Vitebsk and Vitebsk region
Gomel and Gomel region
Grodno and Grodno region
Mogilev and Mogilev region
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