Daniel Polyansky
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Daniel Polyansky
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In custody: 196 days
Hometown: Brest
Address for letters: SIZO-1 Novodvorsky s/s, 143/4, Pashkovichi village, Minsk district, Minsk region 223016
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Daniil Polyansky is a Brest journalist. In early September, Polyansky went to Russia to visit relatives. On the way, there was an incident with Russian security forces. His car was stopped by FSB officers and he was accused of an administrative violation for disobedience - allegedly he refused to show documents.

"Danil said that at that time his passport was in the hands of a Russian security officer," says one of Polyansky's acquaintances. "Later, when he returned to Brest, he was detained by KGB officers."

Initially it was assumed that he was detained for some administrative violation. But it became known that a criminal case had been opened.

Danil Polyansky is 53 years old. As a videographer, he once collaborated with state and commercial TV channels, as well as with independent regional sites. In recent years, he was known in Brest as a volunteer for the search and rescue squad "Angel".

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