Collection of information on administrative prosecutions

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Found: 38381
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Rastorguev Alexander Vasilievich
Rastorguev Alexander Vasilievich
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Date: 30.08.2024 11:30
Place: court of the Soviet district of Gomel
Kolomeets Andrey Petrovich
Kolomeets Andrey Petrovich
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Date: 30.08.2024 09:15
Place: Berestovitsky District Court
Judge: Alexei Vladimirovich Getman
Pavel Sergeevich Zheludkov
Pavel Sergeevich Zheludkov
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Date: 30.08.2024 09:30
Place: court of Leninsky district of Mogilev
Judge: Tamara Grigorievna Brutskaya-Stempkovskaya
Korolchuk Kirill Vitalievich
Korolchuk Kirill Vitalievich
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Date: 30.08.2024 15:10
Place: Brest District Court
Judge: Elena Nikolaevna Krukovich
Yuri Vladimirovich Zaletsky
Yuri Vladimirovich Zaletsky
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Date: 30.08.2024 15:35
Place: Brest District Court
Judge: Elena Nikolaevna Krukovich
Pateiko Daniil Vladimirovich
Pateiko Daniil Vladimirovich
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Date: 30.08.2024 15:20
Place: The Court of Baranovichi District and the city of Baranovichi
Judge: Anastasia Pavlechko
Chuduk Ivan Dmitrievich
Chuduk Ivan Dmitrievich
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Date: 30.08.2024 15:30
Place: The Court of Baranovichi District and the city of Baranovichi
Judge: Anastasia Pavlechko
Kisametov Vakil Ziyalyevich
Kisametov Vakil Ziyalyevich
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Date: 30.08.2024 11:45
Place: Berezovsky District Court
Judge: Natalia Ivanovna Vakulchik
Romanov Maxim Vladimirovich
Romanov Maxim Vladimirovich
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Date: 30.08.2024 12:30
Place: Court of the Maskouski District of Brest
Judge: Novel Yakovlevich Karaban
Pristupa Lyubov Aleksandrovna
Pristupa Lyubov Aleksandrovna
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Date: 30.08.2024 12:40
Place: Court of the Maskouski District of Brest
Judge: Novel Yakovlevich Karaban
Yukhimuk Petr Petrovich
Yukhimuk Petr Petrovich
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Date: 30.08.2024 16:50
Place: Court of the Maskouski District of Brest
Judge: Novel Yakovlevich Karaban
Bykovich Alena Alekseevna
Bykovich Alena Alekseevna
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Date: 30.08.2024 14:52
Place: court of the Pinsk region and the city of Pinsk
Judge: Olga Vladimirovna Lubnik
Tarbetsky Nikolay Vladimirovich
Tarbetsky Nikolay Vladimirovich
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Date: 30.08.2024 15:25
Place: court of Pervomaisky district of Vitebsk
Sviderskaya Kristina Yuryevna
Sviderskaya Kristina Yuryevna
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Date: 30.08.2024 15:00
Place: court of Novopolotsk
Judge: Zinaida Vasilevna Bolobolova
Marina Aleksandrovna Pchelka
Marina Aleksandrovna Pchelka
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Date: 30.08.2024 15:50
Place: court of Novopolotsk
Judge: Zinaida Vasilevna Bolobolova
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