Collection of information on administrative prosecutions

We are collecting data on administrative prosecutions for political reasons. If you have such information, please share it with us.

Found: 38339
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Kapustsienok D.
Kapustsienok D.
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Менск, Першамайскі
Judge: Трусевіч М.Л.
Fadej Ilya
Fadej Ilya
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Менск, раённы
Judge: Колабаў А.
Ina Zaitsova
Ina Zaitsova
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Менск, Кастрычніцкі
Judge: Рудэнка АА
Ivanyut Dmitriy
Ivanyut Dmitriy
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Менск, Першамайскі
Judge: Трусевіч М.Л.
Valery Astrinsky
Valery Astrinsky
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Іўе
Judge: Unknown
Karityka Kateryna
Karityka Kateryna
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Менск, Фрунзенскі
Judge: Чыж Юлія
Anastasia Kalashnikova
Anastasia Kalashnikova
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Менск, Фрунзенскі
Judge: Ярохіна Марыя
Giris Pavel
Giris Pavel
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Менск, раённы
Judge: Казлова Анжаліка
Musayev Emin
Musayev Emin
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Менск, Фрунзенскі
Judge: Чыж Юлія
Loika Polina
Loika Polina
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Менск, Фрунзенскі
Judge: Чыж Юлія
Tatsiana Shydlovska
Tatsiana Shydlovska
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Менск, Цэнтральны
Judge: Карсюк Д.С.
Saurasau Konstantin
Saurasau Konstantin
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Менск, Цэнтральны
Judge: Карсюк Д.С.
Pavlenko Yanina
Pavlenko Yanina
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Менск, Цэнтральны
Judge: Карсюк Д.С.
Larisa Palyukhovych
Larisa Palyukhovych
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Менск, Цэнтральны
Judge: Карсюк Д.С.
Kamyak Viktor
Kamyak Viktor
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Date: 2021-01-18
Place: Менск, Цэнтральны
Judge: Шабуня Вікторыя
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