Collection of information on administrative prosecutions

We are collecting data on administrative prosecutions for political reasons. If you have such information, please share it with us.

Found: 40456
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Vaitovich Olga
Vaitovich Olga
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Date: 2021-05-19
Place: Менск, Маскоўскі
Judge: Мотыль Таццяна
Poltarzhitsky Viktor
Poltarzhitsky Viktor
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Date: 2021-05-19
Place: Менск, Маскоўскі
Judge: Мотыль Таццяна
Bulgakov Miroslav
Bulgakov Miroslav
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Date: 2021-05-19
Place: Менск, Маскоўскі
Judge: Мотыль Таццяна
Nikolaev Daniil
Nikolaev Daniil
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Date: 2021-05-19
Place: Менск, Маскоўскі
Judge: Машкетаў Ю.В.
Makaranka Kirill
Makaranka Kirill
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Date: 2021-05-19
Place: Менск, Маскоўскі
Judge: Малашэнка Вольга Пятроўна
Dulub Andrey
Dulub Andrey
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Date: 2021-05-19
Place: Менск, Маскоўскі
Judge: Малашэнка Вольга Пятроўна
Alyaksei Duboisky
Alyaksei Duboisky
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Date: 2021-05-19
Place: Менск, Маскоўскі
Judge: Малашэнка Вольга Пятроўна
Lesnevskaya Alena
Lesnevskaya Alena
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Date: 2021-05-18
Place: Менск, Маскоўскі
Judge: Мотыль Таццяна
Barbuk Svyatoslav
Barbuk Svyatoslav
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Date: 2021-05-18
Place: Менск, Першамайскі
Judge: Чараповіч Сьвятлана
Barbuk-Labko Vera
Barbuk-Labko Vera
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Date: 2021-05-18
Place: Менск, Першамайскі
Judge: Чараповіч Сьвятлана
Bortnik Inesa
Bortnik Inesa
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Date: 2021-05-18
Place: Менск, Фрунзенскі
Judge: Блізнюк Юлія
Ludmila Novikova
Ludmila Novikova
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Date: 2021-05-18
Place: Менск, Фрунзенскі
Judge: Блізнюк Юлія
Nikitina Julia
Nikitina Julia
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Date: 2021-05-18
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Жуковіч Алена
Semyonov Konstantin
Semyonov Konstantin
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Date: 2021-05-18
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Шаціла Сяргей
Kuzmich Leonid
Kuzmich Leonid
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Date: 2021-05-18
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Шаціла Сяргей
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