Collection of information on administrative prosecutions

We are collecting data on administrative prosecutions for political reasons. If you have such information, please share it with us.

Found: 38480
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Alena Kuptsevich
Alena Kuptsevich
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Date: 2020-12-10
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Фёдарава Марына
Alena Kutsepova
Alena Kutsepova
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Date: 2020-12-10
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Фёдарава Марына
Yugeny Ant
Yugeny Ant
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Date: 2020-12-10
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Фёдарава Марына
Khaletsky Maksim
Khaletsky Maksim
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Date: 2020-12-10
Place: Менск, Цэнтральны
Judge: Карсюк Д.С.
Yevhen Shynkarenko
Yevhen Shynkarenko
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Date: 2020-12-10
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Фёдарава Марына
Jaskova Alexander
Jaskova Alexander
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Date: 2020-12-10
Place: Менск, Кастрычніцкі
Judge: Яворская
Franev Vladislaus
Franev Vladislaus
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Date: 2020-12-09
Place: Менск, Кастрычніцкі
Judge: Жывіца Алена
Chernavolod Stanislav
Chernavolod Stanislav
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Date: 2020-12-09
Place: Менск, Ленінскі
Judge: Шут Ю.С.
Zhidyalis Uladzimir
Zhidyalis Uladzimir
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Date: 2020-12-09
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Шаціла Сяргей
Ganesta Maxim
Ganesta Maxim
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Date: 2020-12-09
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Жуковіч Алена
Azimka I.D.
Azimka I.D.
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Date: 2020-12-09
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Жуковіч Алена
Kovel Larisa
Kovel Larisa
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Date: 2020-12-09
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Жданок Д
Osipenko Victoria
Osipenko Victoria
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Date: 2020-12-09
Place: Менск, Заводзкі
Judge: Янкоўскі Г.З.
Artyom Sulzhits
Artyom Sulzhits
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Date: 2020-12-09
Place: Менск, Кастрычніцкі
Judge: Жывіца Алена
Seryebranikov Y.P.
Seryebranikov Y.P.
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Date: 2020-12-09
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Шаціла Сяргей
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