In custody 1000 days: Dmitry Sidorkin
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Dmitry Vitalievich Sivko
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Bank of letters 0
Date of birth 30.07.1978
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Compulsory treatment
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A citizen of Latvia. Convicted of an offensive comment.

Trial outcome 26.10.2021:

Forced treatment in a psychiatric hospital with enhanced supervision.

Political prisoners
Bank of letters 1
In custody: 1059 days
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 26.08.1972
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He was sentenced to forced psychiatric treatment for comments posted on the Internet on a social network, the content of which is not given in the court order and containing criticism of law enforcement officers, insulting the former head of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs M. Karpenkov and A. Lukashenko.

In the absence of signs of public danger of the accused, if he could harm others and/or himself, placing him for forced treatment in a psychiatric hospital is considered as arbitrary deprivation of liberty.

Trial outcome:

Forced medical treatment in a psychiatric hospital

Political prisoners
Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Pinsk
Date of birth 02.08.1972
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Trial outcome 11.06.2021:

Forced medical treatment in a psychiatric hospital with routine supervision.

Alexander Sergeevich Kisel
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  • People with disabilities
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 0
In custody: 1207 days
Hometown: Maladzyechna
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From the materials of the prosecution it is known that Kisel using the Internet in a social network, under the same post in the group “Posledniy zvonok” left an offensive comment using profanity to Lukashenko. According to the mother, her son is a supporter of Lukashenko, always voted for him, called on all protesters to be imprisoned. She added that Alexander has been registered with a psychiatrist since birth, is a disabled person of group 2 for life.

Trial outcome:

Forced medical treatment.

Mikhail Petrovich Lepeiko
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Political prisoners
Bank of letters 0
In custody: 1002 days
Hometown: Mogilev
Date of birth 02.02.1948
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The trial of Mikhail took place behind closed doors, so the details of the case are unknown.

Mikhail Lepeyko was represented at the meeting by a legal representative. Acquaintances of the accused reported that he is already quite an elderly man.

Trial outcome:

Forced medical treatment.

Political prisoners
Bank of letters 0
In custody: 1365 days
Hometown: Mogilev
Date of birth 28.11.1993
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According to preliminary information, he was accused of attacking the building of the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in June 2021.

According to the investigation, on the night of June 10, someone threw a bottle with a combustible substance at the entrance door of the Mogilev Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the telegram channel MAYDAY reported.

The Judicial Board for Criminal Cases of the Mogilev Regional Court on the basis of Article 101 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus appointed Zharin forced security measures and forced treatment in a psychiatric hospital with increased supervision.

Trial outcome:

Forced security measures and forced treatment in a psychiatric hospital with increased supervision.

Political prisoners
Bank of letters 4
In custody: 1265 days
folder Categories of cases: Zeltser's case
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 15.06.1981
Number of children: 1 child
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Maria was the wife of Andrei Zeltser.

It is known that the woman collected signatures for Tikhаnovskaya in 2020. But, they say, she did not want to participate in protest actions because of her little son.

Maria was detained on September 28 , 2021 on suspicion of joint participation in the murder of an employee of the State Security Committee .

On September 28, employees of the State Security Committee of Belarus conducted searches and raids on residents participating in the 2020 protests in Minsk. Andrey Zeltser, refused to open the door to law enforcement officers (dressed in civilian clothes and did not have official insignia) and locked himself inside the apartment with his wife, armed with a hunting rifle. Both were videotaping at the same time. After breaking into the door, Zeltser opened fire with a hunting rifle at the employees of the State Security Committee who broke into the apartment. Dmitry Fedosyuk, an employee of the State Security Committee, was injured. On the same day, he died of his injuries in the hospital. Andrey Zeltser was shot by return fire.

On September 29, the Investigative Committee of Belarus opened a criminal case under the article on the murder of a person in connection with his official activities.

On August 26, 2022, it became known that Andrei Zeltser's widow Maria Uspenskaya was transferred from the pre-trial detention center to the «Novinki» psychiatric hospital.

Andrey Zeltser is Maria's second husband, from a previous marriage Maria has a schoolboy son.

Trial outcome 16.06.2022:

compulsory treatment

Political prisoners
Bank of letters 0
In custody: 1348 days
Hometown: Gomel
Date of birth 07.08.1986
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Prokhorenko was detained in Gomel on August 11, 2020, severely beaten in the Novobelitsky district police department and, accused of participating in an unauthorized mass event, punished with administrative arrest for 12 days.

According to the official accusation, Yuri was subscribed to channels where the personal data of the security forces were published. From December last year to April 2021, he wrote comments of an offensive nature, expressed in an indecent form. During the three months of imprisonment, Yuri lost 20 kilograms. The young man is in a depressed state, he has panic attacks.

Trial outcome:

Forced medical treatment.

Pre-trial detention facilities/Prisons
Minsk and Minsk region
Brest and Brest region
Vitebsk and Vitebsk region
Gomel and Gomel region
Grodno and Grodno region
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In the HRC "Viasna" list
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