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Security forces detained Igor for calls for protest in chats; a video of him was published by a pro-government channel.

In the video, Igor says that in 2020 he “was a member of destructive chats,” and in one of them he “called on people to unite, coordinate,” and also “called on people to damage state property.”

The security forces' video shows screenshots of messages in which the user suggests creating "fake yard chats" and also writes that "it is important to go out in targeted ways and carry out sabotage." It is unknown who wrote these messages.

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folder Categories of cases: Raid January 23-24, 2024
Hometown: Minsk
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Elena Toporkova is 54 years old. She graduated from the Belarusian State Polytechnical Academy (now BNTU).

Elena was likely detained during a raid on those in solidarity with political prisoners that took place at the end of January 2024.

People caught in the raid on those in solidarity with political prisoners, which took place from January 23 to 24, say that the number of those who were subject to criminal cases may be much higher than human rights activists know. Completely non-public people simply made transfers or sent parcels to political prisoners from their own funds.

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Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 31.05.1997
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On 20.08.2024, the appeal was heard and the verdict came into force.

Trial outcome 03.06.2024:


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Hometown: Mogilev
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Hometown: Vitebsk
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folder Categories of cases: 2020 Pinsk protests
Hometown: Pinsk
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Hometown: Gomel
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folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
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folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
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folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 07.08.1966
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Natalia Davydko is 58 years old. She comes from the village of Koren in the Logoisk district of the Minsk region. After school, she graduated from the Minsk Radiotechnical Institute (now BSUIR) and went to work as a programmer.

Most recently, before her arrest, Natalia worked for the Solbeg company. After the war began, the company moved a significant portion of its employees abroad, but judging by social networks, Natalia remained in Belarus.

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folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
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Maxim Karabak
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On September 2, 2024, a pro-government Telegram channel reported the detention of a Minsk resident for participating in a protest on September 6, 2020. In the "repentant video," the man says that he "went out onto the roadway to take a photo."

Maxim Karabak is a graduate of BGEU, worked in areas related to consulting and development of marketing strategies.

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Diana left Belarus in the summer of 2023. She is the daughter of former political prisoner Andrei Ivanyushin, who was convicted for the September 19, 2020, incident near the Europa shopping center in the so-called biker case. Ivanyushin was then sentenced to two and a half years in prison. He served his entire term in the Shklov colony.

The girl does not hide the fact that she took part in protests in 2020. Fearing persecution, she left the country.

Diana was detained on September 2, 2024 in Armenia while crossing the Georgian-Armenian border, since the Belarusian side had previously declared her wanted, which the girl did not know about. Diana was later released.

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On July 24, the Ministry of Internal Affairs recognized the "Propovednik" project as an "extremist group." According to the department, 52-year-old Vladimir Shpak, who was detained in May 2024, is involved in it.

Pro-government Telegram channels reported that the man "incited national and social hatred, called for violence, advocated radicalization and terrorism." It was claimed that a number of criminal cases had been opened against the detainee - he was threatened with 10 years in prison.

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Hometown: Dzerzhinsk
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