Alexander Aleksandrovich Fedoruk
Alexander Aleksandrovich Fedoruk
Former political prisoners
Bank of letters 0
In custody: 152 days
Hometown: Brest
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According to the prosecution , on November 5, 2022, the telegram channel “Belarus beyond the Moscow Ring Road” published a video of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with its signature. In that video, teachers and cadets of the Academy read Ekaterina Dovlatova’s poems “It’s not easy for men.” And 20 minutes after the publication of such a post, Fedoruk left a comment under it, with which (according to the prosecution) he publicly insulted women. Two teachers from the video filed a claim against Fedoruk “for compensation for moral damage” for 2,000 rubles each.

The prosecutor proposed to punish Alexander Fedoruk with 2 years of “chemistry” (restricted freedom with a transfer to an open correctional facility. On January 15, 2024, the judge announced the verdict. What it turned out to be is still unknown.

Trial outcome 15.01.2024:

2.5 years of restriction of freedom in an open correctional facility

Involved in repression
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