Alina Viktorovna Novikova
Alina Viktorovna Novikova
Political persecutions
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folder Categories of cases: Brest 2020 Protests
Hometown: Brest
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According to the court report , the essence of the charge against everyone was that on August 10, 2020, people in Brest "shouted slogans, demonstrated white-red-white banners, deliberately obstructed the movement of vehicles and the normal functioning of enterprises." In doing so, they allegedly grossly violated public order.

This is already the 14th group of people who have been convicted under Article 342 of the Criminal Code for the protests of that day in Brest.

Trial outcome 06.11.2024
2 years restrictions of freedom without referral to an open-type correctional facility.
Involved in repression
The defendants in the case
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