Alla Fedorovna Neumoeva
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Alla Fedorovna Neumoeva
Political persecutions
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Hometown: Mogilev
Date of birth 23.04.1940
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Correctional work/fine
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Pensioner, 81 years old, with a disability of the 2nd group. Alla argued with the public utilities when she threw out the garbage. It was recorded and posted on Tiktok. From the case materials: "Neumoyeva Alla Fedorovna, having the intent to commit a crime against the order of government, in April 2021 publicly in the daytime, ... in the presence of other persons, publicly and deliberately expressed orally, having a negative assessment of Lukashenka and in an abusive form of phrase who offended the honor and dignity ... "

Trial outcome:

Fine 30 base units.

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