Andrey Andreevich Stepurko
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 5
In custody: 566 days
folder Categories of cases: Machulishchi
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 27.03.1990
Address for letters: Glavpochtamt, a/b 8, Minsk 220050
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Andrey Stepurko is 33 years old. The man graduated from the Radio Engineering College, and then «‎MITSO» International University. He worked as a software engineer in a polyclinic, a computer assembler, a computer operator, a sales consultant. It is known that he is fond of practical shooting, engaged in laser tag and other types of shooting games.

As far as we know, the man was detained in the case of the explosion of the plane in Machulishchi. He allegedly found an apartment for the alleged perpetrator of the sabotage in Machulishchi Nikolai Shvets.

Stepurko's parents and his brother were also detained.

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