Andrey Sergeevich Yurkov
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Andrey Sergeevich Yurkov
Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 2
In custody: 533 days
Was in: IK-9IK-9, Gorki, 213410, ul. Dobroliubova, 16
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citizen of Belarus, but was born in Magnitogorsk, Russia. Has three children. According to the prosecution, on April 8, 2021, Yurkov, while drunk, made obscene remarks towards Lukashenko at the Molodechno district police department. In custody since November 8, 2021.

According to human rights activists, he was released on April 25, 2023, having fully served the sentence imposed by the court.

Trial outcome:

1.5 years in prison under strict regime conditions + 1 year of LTP

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