Artur Konstantinovich Volchok
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Artur Konstantinovich Volchok
Political persecutions
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Hometown: Dzerzhinsk
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Locksmith. Previously, he was tried several times for hooliganism and theft. Then he was also sentenced to "home chemistry", and then amnestied. Volchok also said that he had four children: he was officially recorded as the father of only one child, but he assured the court that he was paying alimony to all of them. At the same time, he must pay a fine of 2240 rubles (70 basic units), his phone was confiscated. Before the verdict, Volchok was in custody. He was released in the courtroom.

Trial outcome 23.11.2022:

1.5 years restriction of freedom without referral to an open correctional institution

Involved in repression
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