Dmitriy Aleksandrovich Pankevich
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  • Parents of minors
Dmitriy Aleksandrovich Pankevich
Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 2
In custody: 568 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 13.04.1976
Number of children: 3 children
Was in: IUOT-49IUOT-49, Shklov, Volodiozhnaya 2b, 213002
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  • Associations
  • Parents of minors
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Dmitry was found guilty that from November 25, 2020 to April 4, 2021, he left offensive comments in the telegram channel «Karateli Belarusi» towards the authorities. Investigators found at least 15 such statements, for which the man was tried.

29.05.2023 При поступлении в ИУОТ -49 г. Шклова был сразу поставлен на профучет с формулировкой "склонен к экстремизму и деструктивной деятельности"

Trial outcome 15.02.2023
3 years restrictions of freedom with referral to an open-type correctional facility.
Appeal 24.03.2023
the sentence was upheld.
Involved in repression
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