Dmitry Evgenievich Levchuk
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 3
In custody: 87 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 31.03.2001
Address for letters: IUOT-21, 247783, Gomel region, Mozyr, b-r Yunosti, 24
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He was accused that on September 20, 2020, he took part in a protest action and went out on the roadway on Timiryazev Street in Minsk.

The Prosecutor, in the interests of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise «Minsktrans», a lawsuit was filed for compensation for property damage in the amount of 47 716,07 BYN.

At the court hearing, Levchuk fully admitted his guilt.

In this criminal case, he was detained from February 15, 2022 to February 25, 2022, from March 17, 2022 to March 20, 2022, and from May 16, 2022 until the announcement of the verdict (August 11, 2022) was in detention.

Trial outcome 11.08.2022:

3 years of freedom restriction with referral to an open-type correctional facility.

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