Elena Alexandrovna Kasperovich
Elena Alexandrovna Kasperovich
Political persecutions
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Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 21.07.1983
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Elena Kasperovich is on leave to care for a minor child who has a disability, and also cares for her elderly parents. After the arrest, she was under subscription until the trial.

According to the prosecution , the woman posted the text of a comment that allegedly contradicts the established rules of communication between people, the requirements of universal morality, in which she humiliated the honor and dignity of police colonel Zh., in connection with the performance of his official duties, out of a feeling of hostility towards government officials.

The publication said that the police chief allowed himself to abuse prisoners.

19.03.2024 назначить ей наказание в виде ограничения свободы без направления в исправительное учреждение открытого типа на срок 1 (один) год 6 (шесть) месяцев, со штрафом в размере 50 базовых величин, что составляет 2 000 рублей.

Trial outcome 05.03.2024:

1.5 years of restriction of freedom without direction

Involved in repression
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