Eugene Aleksandrovich Shum
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Eugene Aleksandrovich Shum
Political persecutions
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folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk, Return to Belarus
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 18.01.1983
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Soloist of the group “Minimum Distance”. In the pro-government video, Egeniy says that he participated in protests in 2020, and after the elections “he was relocated along with his office to Ukraine.” After the start of the war, he went to Poland and remained there until his work visa expired, which he was unable to renew in Poland. After that he returned to Belarus.

Security forces show a screenshot of their bot with a denunciation of a detainee and his photo.

After the trial, a video appeared on the same pro-government channel where Evgeniy says that he was sentenced to 3 years of restriction of freedom, after which he decided to confess and “repent” of the donations.

Trial outcome 16.02.2024:

3 years of restriction of freedom without direction

Involved in repression
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