Eugene Valerievich Nikolaevich
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Former journalist for Media-Polesie. Evgeny was severely beaten during the protests.

On August 10, 2020, Yevgeny went to the protests as a journalist. Then he was detained , first the police beat him in the toilet of the Pinsk City Executive Committee, then in a paddy wagon. Then the man was taken to the shooting range of the Pinsk City Department of Internal Affairs, where Ales Romanovich saw him badly beaten. Then the journalist was placed in the Pinsk temporary detention facility, and then taken to the pre-trial detention center of the Ivatsevichy colony, where the security forces placed some of the detainees.

A week after the beating, the journalist still had bruises. It is reported that traces of the beating remained on the man's face even a month later, including deep scars. The publication "Media-Polesie" also wrote then about the damaged eye of its employee.

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