Gala Nikolaevna Anshuk
Gala Nikolaevna Anshuk
Political persecutions
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Hometown: Minsk
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Gala Anshuk, from May 5, 2022 to February 14, 2023, five times sent electronic appeals to the General Prosecutor's Office and the Council of Ministers, in which, according to the prosecution , she made a negative assessment of Lukashenko, expressed in an indecent form and which in its content humiliated his honor and dignity.

In court, Gala Anshuk explained that “she sent these appeals because she wanted to comment on Lukashenko’s performance of his powers and duties as head of state and does not believe that the insults were of a public nature, since they were read by a limited number of government employees.”

After her arrest on February 5, Gala was placed under house arrest pending trial. But before that, the woman was sent to a forensic psychiatric expert hospital, which decided that due to her mental state she needed compulsory security measures and treatment.

Trial outcome 29.02.2024:

3 years imprisonment without direction

Involved in repression
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