Heinrich (Gennady) Okolotovich
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Heinrich (Gennady) Okolotovich
Political prisoners
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In custody: 310 days
Hometown: Volozhin
Address for letters: Glavpochtamt, a/b 8, Minsk 220050
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The reasons for Heinrich’s detention are unknown, but it seems that the priest has become yet another religious figure affected by the regime’s repressions against religious communities in Belarus.

Heinrich is about 70 years old, suffered a heart attack and recently had gastric surgery due to cancer; he needs medical supervision and constant medication.

On December 6, 20 days have passed since the arrest of the rector, Fr. Genrikh Okolotovich. During this time, he should have either been criminally charged or released. And, according to sources of the publication Katolik.life., the priest was chosen as a measure of detention in the form of detention, that is, he was charged.

The article of the Criminal Code has not yet been named, but the period for filing charges of 20 days from the moment of arrest is provided for a number of “anti-state” articles - such as espionage and treason. But what exactly the priest is charged with remains unknown.

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