Irina Stanislavovna Zinevich
Political persecutions
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Hometown: Baranovichi
Date of birth 17.03.1971
Number of children: 2 children
Family members: Petr Ivanovich Zinevich
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The wife of Peter Zinevich, who was sentenced to 2 years of chemistry with a referral. According to the prosecution, she insulted a representative of the authorities. Irina wrote the phrase under his photo “let this ghoul answer for everyone who was innocently convicted,” because he perjured himself in administrative cases, including in her case. In addition to the restriction of freedom for 2 years ("home chemistry"), Irina was ordered to pay 1,000 rubles in moral damages. The family brings up 2 minor children.

She served 32 days from May 25 to June 26 in the detention center in Baranovichi on trumped-up charges of violating the punishment regime. In addition, a fine was imposed for reposting a children's fairy tale from Malyavanych on social networks - 740 rubles. , an invoice for 592 rubles was issued for the maintenance in the temporary detention facility. The check of social networks was the result of an order from an employee of the Baranovichi GOVD.

On July 14, 2023, Irina's sentence ended.

Trial outcome:

2 years restriction of freedom without referral to an open type correctional institution ("home chemistry")

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