Lolita Sergeevna Kozyreva
Political persecutions
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Hometown: Zhlobin
Date of birth 17.02.2002
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According to the materials of the prosecution, on August 9, 2020, Lolita joined the crowd of people, went out onto the roadway, clapped her hands, shouted loudly, shouted various slogans, refused to comply with the demands of the police officers.

In court, Kozyreva explained that she did not shout out slogans, did not get into a clutch, did not use physical force against police officers, did not throw any objects at them. When the police officers began to approach the crowd and force the citizens out of the roadway, she went home.

According to the protocol of inspection of items dated April 25, 2023, the characteristics of the shirt seized from Kozyreva were examined and recorded. When examining the shirt and comparing it with the video files of CCTV cameras, it was established that it was in this shirt that she was wearing that evening at the protest.

Trial outcome 21.06.2023:

1.5 years of restriction of freedom without a referral.

Involved in repression
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