Maxim Dmitrievich Shirinsky
Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 334 days
Hometown: Navahrudak
Date of birth 28.01.1988
Was in: IUOT-21IUOT-21, 247783, Gomel region, Mozyr, b-r Yunosti, 24
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resident of Novogrudok. Since June 2021, he has been serving his sentence in correctional institution No. 21 in Mozyr. Maxim has two minor children.

28.08.2021 Registered as an extremist under Art. 8 and 3
28.08.2021 His mother was fired from her job because he would be convicted under a criminal article

Trial outcome:

1 year restriction of liberty .

Released after expiration of sentence.

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