Olga Blazhevich
Potential persecutions
Bank of letters 0
folder Categories of cases: Donate, Return to Belarus
Hometown: Gomel
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Most likely, the girl was detained upon returning to Belarus, since her Facebook account (now closed) was completely uncleaned. There was a white-red-white flag on the avatar, subscriptions to the “mirror” and “Charter’97” were saved. And the payments included three donations - for 10, 20 and 50 dollars.

Olga graduated from Gomel State University in 2011, she studied to become a mathematical programmer. Her Linkedin profile lists six IT companies for which she has worked. Since August 2020, the girl has been leading a team of testers at the UULA company, registered in Kuwait. However, Olga Blazhevich’s account indicates that she worked in India.

According to security officials, Olga Blazhevich is now in a temporary detention center and the question of what responsibility to bring her to justice is being decided.

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