Olga Gladkaya
Olga Gladkaya
Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 65 days
folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 07.06.1976
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Ex-manager of the channel «Belarus 2». In the office, Olga conducted official office work, monitored the implementation of contracts, etc. she left Belteleradiocompany in September 2020 to try her hand at IT. However, the decision coincided with mass protests against the falsification of the results of the presidential elections and the unreasonable violence of the security forces; many «BT» employees also joined the protests in the form of a strike.

According to reports , on March 7, the first interrogation took place, and two days later, Olga Gladkaya was charged with participating in unauthorized events.

Trial outcome 03.05.2023:

3 years of restriction of freedom without direction.

Involved in repression
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