Roman Valentinovich Korzhik
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Hometown: Byaroza
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According to the materials of the prosecution , Roman, from October 29 to November 25, 2020, posted comments and insulting statements in telegram chats against police officers from different cities, who, in his opinion, were involved in the dispersal of mass protests. Among the victims are ordinary police officers, district inspectors, the commander of the OMON units, the deputy head of the police department.

Roman was convicted, although the statute of limitations had expired in the case. The judge, in addition to restricting freedom, decided to pay 1,000 rubles each to all security officials in the status of victims.

On December 26, 2022, a second trial took place , where Roman was nevertheless released from criminal liability due to the statute of limitations.

Trial outcome 26.12.2022:

Released from punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Involved in repression
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