Sergey Sergeevich Pleshkun
On March 17, the State Security Committee announced the detention of a group of Belarusians who were preparing a terrorist attack against Russian troops in the Mozyr district.
According to the case file, in the period from August 2020 to February 2022, Pleshkun and Selvich purchased components for the manufacture of Molotov cocktails and pyrotechnic products, which were stored and transported in various vehicles and places for their subsequent use in the commission of an act of terrorism, an attack on buildings, institutions, vehicles, as well as law enforcement officers.
In addition, Pleshkun allegedly made Molotov cocktails himself and, together with Selvich, prepared for the deliberate disrepair of vehicles and communication routes, which could lead to the death of a person, a crash or an accident.
Sergey Peshkun has two young children.
16 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of strict regime.
How to write a letter
✏️ A postcard with words of encouragement (a poem by your favorite author, song lyrics, or a beautiful quote). Trust us, even such simple gestures are very meaningful to a person in jail.
✏️ Your life events. To a person who is in isolation for a long time, any story about your routine endeavors will be a window into normal life. Your day-to-day worries and mundane matters are much more interesting than the daily grind of life behind bars.
✏️ It is important to share news. Mention the most notable and interesting occurrences depending on your pen-pal's interests.
✍️️ Remember that every letter is censored. This means that your letters are read by strangers whose main goal is to limit inmates' access to information or to use it against the prisoners or even you.
So try to avoid:
👉️️ harsh statements regarding ongoing political matters
👉 statements against the authorities and public servants
👉 foul language
👉 discussion of the circumstances of the criminal case
Involved in repression