Snezhana Alexandrovna Morozova
Snezhana Alexandrovna Morozova
Political persecutions
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folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
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The Minsk resident was accused of participating in a protest rally in Minsk in 2020 and entering the roadway. As reported in the court ruling, the woman “used a white-red-white banner as a protest symbol and shouted slogans.” Snezhana fully admitted her guilt and said that together with other protesters she was carrying a large white-red-white flag.

The woman was identified from a photo from the Internet. During the search, a biker jacket and jeans that the Minsk resident had worn at the protest were taken from her. Before the trial, the girl was in custody. After the verdict was announced, Snezhana was released in the courtroom.

Snezhana Morozova has a higher education and works as a sales consultant in a limited liability company.

Trial outcome 17.01.2024:

2.5 years of probation

Involved in repression
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