Yury Anatolevich Samusevich
Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 430 days
Hometown: Salihorsk
Date of birth 07.04.1988
Number of children: 1 child
Was in: IK-22IK -22, p.o.b 20, Brest region, Ivatsevichi, st. Domanovo, 225295
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a resident of Slutsk, convicted on April 2, 2021 under Part 1 of Art. 14 hours 2 tbsp. 179 of the Criminal Code (Attempt to illegally collect information about private life, constituting the personal and family secrets of another person, without his consent).

06.06. 2022 was released after the expiration of his sentence.

Trial outcome:

1 year and 3 months in prison .

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