Valentin Alexandrovich Gubar
Valentin Alexandrovich Gubar
Political persecutions
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Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 09.02.1989
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Valyantsin Gubar is accused of leaving a note on the Punishers of Belarus telegram channel under a post about a police officer, in which he posted personal information about him, his photo, as well as an obscene comment addressed to him.

At the trial, the accused fully admitted his guilt and explained that “he succumbed to the general negative mood, in connection with which he left a comment under the publication that insulted a police officer .”

From the testimony of the victim read out during the court session, it became clear that the victim himself saw his photo in the telegram channel “Punishers of Belarus” when he monitored it for work purposes. According to the victim, the comment that Gubar wrote about him insults him and discredits him as a police officer.

Trial outcome 19.01.2022:

1.5 years of restriction of freedom without being sent to an open correctional facility

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