Vasil Vasilevich Rubtsov
Vasil Vasilevich Rubtsov
Political persecutions
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folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
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The man was found from a photograph in his friend’s correspondence when her phone was examined.

At the trial, Vasily Rubtsov admitted his guilt in full. He said that he learned about the protest March in October 2020 from the Internet. I specially came to the action from the village by car. When I saw a crowd of protesters with symbols, I joined them. The man admitted that he went out onto the roadway, where his acquaintances photographed him with a stranger who had a poster with a protest slogan. At about 4 p.m. he left the march. During the trial, Vasily noted that he did not shout protest slogans at the march, nor did he make any loud hand clapping.

Trial outcome 18.01.2024:

2.5 years of restriction of freedom without direction

Involved in repression
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