Viktor Kulesh
Viktor Kulesh
Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 544 days
Hometown: Maladzyechna
Was in: IUOT-21IUOT-21, 247783, Gomel region, Mozyr, b-r Yunosti, 24
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The victim is the deputy head of the Molodechno district police department for ideological work, Lieutenant Colonel Sergey Gelda — asked for moral compensation — 2 500 BYN.

In the social network ок.ru he saw under the post with his photo Kulesh's comment: «To answer the bitch!» — and he was very offended, he felt insulted.

In June 2023, he was released after the expiration of his sentence.

Trial outcome 13.09.2022:

1,5 years of freedom restriction with referral to an open-type correctional facility.

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