Vitaly Iosifovich Pupin
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  • Parents of minors
Vitaly Iosifovich Pupin
Political persecutions
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In custody: 48 days
folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
Number of children: 1 child
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  • Associations
  • Civil servants
  • Parents of minors
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A resident of Fanipol was accused of participating in the Unity March on September 6, 2020 and of entering the roadway. After the verdict was announced, the man was released in the courtroom. The man fully admitted his guilt.

The main evidence in the case is a photograph from March, data from a mobile operator about the location of the subscriber number and Vitaly’s testimony. During a search of his home, a customs officer took out a purple T-shirt, in which he was identified in a photo haze from the protest. After the verdict, the T-shirt was returned.

Vitaly graduated from the Belarusian State Economic University; the court ruling stated that at the time of sentencing, the man worked as the head of the customs declaration sector in a company with additional responsibility. Has a dependent minor daughter.

Trial outcome 21.12.2023:

2.5 years of restriction of freedom without direction

Involved in repression
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