Vladislav Vitalievich Muravsky
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 0
In custody: 210 days
Hometown: Minsk
Address for letters: Released pending appeal
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According to the prosecution , Vladislav Muravsky repeatedly publicly insulted government officials in telegram channels and chats (“Punisher of Belarus”, “Chat-Partizan”, “my country Belarus”), and also disclosed their personal data.

The accused Vladislav, interrogated at the court hearing, pleaded not guilty, citing that he did not remember anything about his testimony and comments posted on the Internet in connection with his mental illness in the form of mixed personality disorder, after which he refused to give any explanations. His mother said in court that her son has a mental illness - mixed personality disorder. However, the expert's opinion refutes the presence of the influence of mental illness on the ability to remember events and information.

Trial outcome 02.11.2023:

4 years of restriction of freedom with placement in an open institution.

Involved in repression
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