Vladislav Vladislavovich Shinkovich
Former political prisoners
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In custody: 548 days
Hometown: Bolshoe Olzhevo
Date of birth 06.06.1971
Was in: IUOT-43IUOT-43, 212003, Mogilev, ul. Cheliuskentsev, 76A
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The investigation found that on January 17, 2021, Vladislav posted a post in the chat of one of the telegram channels, in which he gave a harsh description of the judge of the Lida District Court Maxim Filatov. Earlier, on October 28, Filatov, under article 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, part 3, sentenced Vladislav Shynkovich to administrative arrest. According to law enforcement agencies, Shynkovich thus humiliated the "honor and dignity" of Judge Filatov. Released on October 28, 2022 at the end of his term.

17.06.2021 Registered as an extremist since 05/21/2021
23.05.2021 Date of birth 06/06/1971

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