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Potential persecutions
Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 27.02.1977
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Political persecutions
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Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 21.01.1992
Family members: Anton Sergeevich Shablyko
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Olga Shablyko worked as an English teacher at the Belarusian State University before her arrest. It is known that in 2020, Olga and her husband took an active part in the March Against Terror protest action, which took place in Minsk on November 1.

Trial outcome 24.05.2022:

3 years of restriction of liberty without a referral.

Anton Sergeevich Shablyko
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Political persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 07.07.1987
Family members: Olga Viktorovna Shablyko
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Before his arrest, Anton Shablyko was engaged in organizing outdoor activities: kayaking on rivers and lakes, rope courses and trainings, tourist trips, including mountain routes. Earlier, Anton was repeatedly detained for participating in protests: he was serving an administrative arrest in November 2020 in the detention center on Akrestsina Street. He was also detained on March 9, 2022, together with his wife Olga, at one of the anti-war rallies in Minsk. It is known that in 2020 they took an active part in the March Against Terror protest action, which took place in Minsk on November 1.

Trial outcome 24.05.2022:

3 years of restriction of liberty without a referral.

Potential persecutions
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Forced emigration
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BSU student, specializing in criminal law. Zadezhan for participating in protests in 2020 and registering with the Peramog plan.

Potential persecutions
Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Minsk
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Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 2
In custody: 491 day
folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 16.11.1992
Was in: IUOT-6IUOT-6, 225886, Brestskaya obl. Kobrinsky rayon, d. Luschiki, ul. Lesnaya, 14
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Convicted for participating in protests.

12/17/2023 released after expiration of sentence.

Trial outcome:

2 years of freedom restriction with referral to an open-type correctional facility.

Potential persecutions
Bank of letters 0
folder Categories of cases: Anti-war campaigns
Hometown: Minsk
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Chef at Underdog cafe in Minsk. Arrested for recording anti-war tiktok.

Request letters Bank of letters 0
Date of birth 25.03.1999
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Orphan, pupil of SOS Children's Village. He hosted Tiktok, where he appeared in a T-shirt with a chase and demonstrated protest content.

The arrest became known on May 31, 2022, when prolast channels published a video with a young man.

On October 28, 2022, the appeal was considered and the verdict came into force.

According to human rights activists, he will be released in the fall of 2023.

Trial outcome:

1.5 years of imprisonment in a colony.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 1
In custody: 899 days
Hometown: Baranovichi
Was in: IK-1IK No. 1, 211440, Novopolotsk, st. Technical, 8
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According to the prosecution materials, Valery Zakharchik at the beginning of 2022 on the Odnoklassniki social network, after watching a video file insulting a government official - the head of the department of supervisory and executive activities of the public security police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sergei Nikel - he liked and posted the video on his page.

Similarly, on Odnoklassniki I saw a video that, according to the expert opinion, had a negative assessment of the dictator and an obscene form of speech, gave it a “like” and posted it on my page.

On November 22, 2022, the appeal was considered and the verdict entered into force.

Trial outcome 24.05.2022: 3 years of imprisonment in colony under general regime conditions.

Appeal 22.11.2022: the sentence was upheld.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 1
Hometown: Mogilev
Date of birth 15.05.1987
Was in: IUOT-36IUOT-36, 220039, Minsk, ul. Korotkevicha, 14
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Convicted for commenting on the Stopluka telegram channel regarding district police officer Andrei Komar from Bobruisk.

According to human rights activists , he will be released in 2024 , having fully served the sentence imposed by the court.

16.12.2022 09/28/2022 extremism and destructive actions were registered

Trial outcome 24.05.2022:

1,5 years of freedom restriction with referral to an open-type correctional facility.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 4
In custody: 690 days
Hometown: Orsha
Date of birth 27.01.1992
Was in: IK-5IK-5, 225293, Brestskaya oblast, Ivatsevichy, ul. Dzerzhynskogo, 1
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Convicted for a comment on social networks regarding Lukashenko A., which was recognized by the court as offensive.

02/09/2024 released upon expiration of the sentence.

Trial outcome:

2 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of general regime.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 2
In custody: 852 days
Hometown: Orsha
Date of birth 25.01.1979
Was in: IK-22IK -22, p.o.b 20, Brest region, Ivatsevichi, st. Domanovo, 225295
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He's a psychologist.

Arrested on May 28, 2022 in St. Petersburg. As it turned out, the man was on the federal wanted list for comments on the Internet. Andrey is a citizen of Belarus.

According to preliminary information, he was extradited to Belarus in January 2023.

Trial outcome 20.09.2023: 1 year 6 months of imprisonment in colony under general regime conditions.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 364 days
Hometown: Gomel
Date of birth 13.09.1987
Was in: SIZO-3SIZO-3, Gomel, ul. Knizhnaya 1A, 246144
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A citizen of Ukraine.

According to the prosecution, Petrenko was the administrator of the telegram chat «Chat. Gomselmash for free Belarus!», which was created on August 13, 2020. In it, according to the prosecution, he called for a strike at the enterprise, and also made reposts from telegram channels recognized as extremist in the Republic of Belarus.

According to human rights activists, he was released in May 2023 after the expiration of his sentence.

Trial outcome:

1 year of imprisonment in a penal colony of general regime.

Potential persecutions
Bank of letters 0
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Works as a logistician at the Minsk Dairy Plant

Alesya Stepanovna Kureichik
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Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 69 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 09.11.1996
Was in: IVS OkrestinaIVS, Minsk, 36a Okrestina St., 220089
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Alpha Hub employee.

Trial outcome 01.08.2022:

3 years of restriction of liberty without a referral

Pre-trial detention facilities/Prisons
Minsk and Minsk region
Brest and Brest region
Vitebsk and Vitebsk region
Gomel and Gomel region
Grodno and Grodno region
Mogilev and Mogilev region
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In the HRC "Viasna" list
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