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Request letters Bank of letters 0
Date of birth 11.03.1967
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Citizen of the Russian Federation.

Trial outcome:


Political persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 30.06.1997
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Trial outcome:

1.5 years of restriction of liberty without a referral

Yuri Alexeyevich Belsky
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Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 546 days
Hometown: Gomel
Date of birth 25.02.1966
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He is accused of participating in protest actions 2020.

According to human rights activists, he was released in early June 2023.

Trial outcome:

1,5 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of general regime.

Alexey Gennadievich Gaishun
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Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 463 days
Hometown: Gomel
Date of birth 28.08.1988
Was in: IK-15IK №15, 212013, Mogilev, p/o Veyno, Slavgorodskoye shosse 183
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Writer and translator from Babruisk. Accused of participating in protests.

On April 29, 2023, he was released upon expiration of his sentence.

Trial outcome:

1,5 years of imprisonment in a penal colony of general regime.

Potential persecutions
Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Zhlobin
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Potential persecutions
Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Mazyr
Date of birth 26.08.1973
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Trial outcome:


Potential persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 20.12.2003
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Forced emigration
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Student. Convicted for participating in protests in Grodno in August and September 2020.

A year after the start of the term, they wanted to tighten the regime for Kirill and send her to a colony. so he was forced to leave the Republic of Belarus.

Trial outcome:

2.5 years of restriction of liberty without a referral

Potential persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 86 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 25.08.1984
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Forced emigration
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Accused of participating in protests.

Trial outcome 22.04.2022:

3 years restriction of freedom with referral to an open correctional facility

Potential persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 18.02.1998
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Former first-year student of Belarusian State University (the decree on his expulsion appeared a month after the detention). He and his friends were detained on January 19, 2022, when they were filming a video review of drones on Nemiga for their YouTube blog Nick&Bon . OMON officers immediately checked the phones of the guys and found there photos and videos from the largest protest march in the history of Belarus on August 16, 2020.

Trial outcome:

2.5 years of restriction of freedom with referral to an open institution.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 776 days
folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 14.03.1981
Was in: IK-15IK №15, 212013, Mogilev, p/o Veyno, Slavgorodskoye shosse 183
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Accused of participating in protests.

03/01/2024 released after fully serving the sentence imposed by the court.

Trial outcome 29.04.2022:

2.5 years of imprisonment in a penal colony.

Potential persecutions
Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 02.12.1991
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Accused of participating in protests.

Trial outcome:


Potential persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 74 days
folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 29.08.1990
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Forced emigration
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Convicted for participating in 2020 protests.

Trial outcome 22.04.2022:

3 years of restriction of freedom with referral to an open institution.

Potential persecutions
Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Minsk
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Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 82 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 21.12.2001
Was in: SIZO-1SIZO-1, Minsk 2 Volodarskogo St., 220030
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Forced emigration
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Accused of participating in protests. During the arrest, the guy was expelled from the institute - a few months before the diploma.

Trial outcome 29.04.2022:

2.5 years of restriction of freedom with referral to an open institution.

Political persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 30.09.2003
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Convicted for participating in protests.

Trial outcome:

2 years of restriction of liberty without a referral

Pre-trial detention facilities/Prisons
Minsk and Minsk region
Brest and Brest region
Vitebsk and Vitebsk region
Gomel and Gomel region
Grodno and Grodno region
Mogilev and Mogilev region
In Russia
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Health problems
No data available
In the HRC "Viasna" list
Prison regime
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