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Political prisoners
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Hometown: Pinsk
Date of birth 05.08.1992
Address for letters: Released pending appeal
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Yegor was accused of leaving an offensive comment on Telegram under a video of Lukashenka's speech. According to the court order, Dashevich did not like the point of view expressed in the video. He fully admitted his guilt and repented of his deed.

From 21 to 24 March 2023, the man was kept in custody.

Egor is from Pinsk, from a family of teachers. As a child, he participated in olympiads, and then entered the Pinsk Pedagogical College. Now Yegor has a higher education, works as an individual entrepreneur. Engaged in written and oral translation to order.

Trial outcome 01.06.2023:

2 years of restriction of liberty with referral to an open correctional facility

Alexander Fedorovich Borovik
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In custody: 496 days
Hometown: Hrodna
Date of birth 30.12.1981
Number of children: 1 child
Address for letters: Turma №1, Grodno, Kirova 1, 230023
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The man was accused of leaving, according to the court, an insulting comment in a telegram towards Interior Minister Ivan Kubrakov and deputy head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the administration of the Central District of Minsk, head of the criminal police Vladimir Kubrakov. Alexander fully admitted his guilt and repented of his deed. Before the trial, the man was under personal guarantee. After the verdict was announced, he was taken into custody in the courtroom.

Alexander Borovik has a dependent minor child. Works as a carpenter.

In January 2023, it became known that Pavel again became accused, but this time under Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

Trial outcome 15.05.2023:

1 year of imprisonment in a penal colony.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 2
In custody: 544 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 09.12.1985
Address for letters: IK -22, p.o.b 20, Brest region, Ivatsevichi, st. Domanovo, 225295
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According to human rights activists , the son of the politician Anatoly Lebedko is charged with financing extremist activities. Artyom was detained at the end of March and then twice sentenced to 15 days of arrest, after which he was charged and transferred to SIZO-1.

According to the prosecution, in 2020, “for motives of ideological hostility,” using the account of one of the banks, he made several money transfers over the phone to three funds that were recognized as “extremist formations.” It is reported that the funds were transferred through the payment system of the popular social network Facebook. Presumably, we are talking about, among other things, the BY_help funds and the Belarusian Sports Solidarity Fund.

At the trial, the political prisoner did not admit his guilt and stated that he did not understand the essence of the charges and did not understand why he was in the dock.

Trial outcome 24.08.2023:

3.5 years of imprisonment in a penal colony.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Dmitriy Gudik
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In custody: 968 days
Address for letters: IK №15, 212013, Mogilev, p/o Veyno, Slavgorodskoye shosse 183
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Dmytro Gudik was convicted under Article 358-1 of the Criminal Code (intelligence activity). He is a citizen of Ukraine. Mikhail Stolyarchuk, his uncle, was also tried in this criminal case. According to the prosecution, they had been collecting data on military equipment and facilities in Belarus on behalf of the Security Service of Ukraine since 2018. Igor Dirko was also detained with them, but instead of being prosecuted, he was expelled from Belarus.

Trial outcome 24.11.2022:

5 years of imprisonment in a colony under general regime conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Michael Dmitrievich Stolyarchuk
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In custody: 968 days
Hometown: Bresskie
Family members: Dmitriy Gudik
Address for letters: IK №3
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Mikhail Stolyarchuk was convicted under Article 358-1 of the Criminal Code (intelligence activities). He is a citizen of Ukraine. Dmitry Gudik, his nephew, was also involved in the case. According to the prosecution, they had been collecting data on military equipment and facilities in Belarus on behalf of the Security Service of Ukraine since 2018. Igor Dirko was also detained with them, but instead of being prosecuted, he was expelled from Belarus.

Worked as a bus driver on Belarus-Ukraine routes.

Trial outcome 24.11.2022:

6 years of imprisonment in a colony under general regime conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Alexey Sergeevich Borodko
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In custody: 608 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 17.06.1998
Address for letters: No information
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The lawyer was detained at the end of January and is in pre-trial detention center No. 1 on Volodarsky. After the arrest, the lawyer’s profile was removed from the website of the Republican Bar Association. It later became known that on April 21, 2023, his license was revoked.

On September 8, 2023, the appeal was considered and the verdict entered into force.

Trial outcome 19.05.2023:

6 years in prison in a penal colony.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
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Hometown: Hrodna
Address for letters: Turma №1, Grodno, Kirova 1, 230023
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A Polish citizen was convicted for "undercover activity" in the Republic of Belarus. In April 2023, Jerzy turned 58 years old. He himself comes from a border village near Bialystok, and has been living in Belarus since the 90s - he moved to Grodno after his marriage. Until the verdict, relatives were sure that this was a mistake and Jerzy would be released. Relatives of the accused still cannot understand why he attracted the attention of the security forces.

Trial outcome 22.03.2023:

4 years in prison .

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 2
Hometown: Zhlobin
Date of birth 24.01.1999
Address for letters: IUOT-29, Volkovysk, Rokossovskogo, 118, 230415
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On June 16, 2023, an appeal session of the court was held, the verdict entered into force.

Trial outcome 27.04.2023:

2 years of restriction of liberty with referral to an open institution.

Dmitriy Vladimirovich Bogachenko
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In custody: 634 days
Hometown: Gomel
Date of birth 18.05.1978
Address for letters: SIZO-3, Gomel, ul. Knizhnaya 1A, 246144
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Lawyer-entrepreneur. Dmitry was accused of inciting other social hostility or discord.

The essence of the accusation and the circumstances of the case, except for the fact that Dmitry left comments on social networks, are still unknown to human rights activists.

On August 22, 2023, the appeal was considered and the verdict entered into force.

On January 30, 2024, a new trial of Dmitry took place. This time he was accused of libel. The verdict is unknown. On April 17, 2024, consideration of the appeal is due to take place.

Trial outcome 23.05.2023:

2 years of imprisonment in a colony under general regime conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 1
In custody: 560 days
folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 22.08.1992
Address for letters: IK №15, 212013, Mogilev, p/o Veyno, Slavgorodskoye shosse 183
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Design engineer.

On July 18, 2023, an appeal hearing was held and the verdict entered into force.

Trial outcome 05.05.2023:

3 years imprisonment

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
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In custody: 619 days
Hometown: Smarhon'
Date of birth 28.02.1960
Address for letters: No information
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The man was accused of swearing after drinking alcoholic beverages with a friend near the store after being detained by the Smorgon police department, including at Lukashenko for the fact that Belarus did not recognize the independence of Abkhazia.

Yuri has been tried three times and repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility.

Trial outcome 26.04.2023:

1,5 years of imprisonment in a penal colony.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 0
In custody: 612 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 03.11.1986
Address for letters: No information
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On June 30, 2023, an appeal court hearing was held. The verdict came into force.

Trial outcome 26.04.2023:

unknown years of imprisonment in a colony under general regime conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
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In custody: 543 days
Hometown: Zelva
Date of birth 06.12.1968
Address for letters: IK №3
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Victor Lameko, an entrepreneur from Zelva, was brutally detained and beaten during his arrest. Initially, a protocol was drawn up against him under the administrative article 19.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus (dissemination of extremist materials). Without even allowing Lameko to leave the courthouse, the security forces again detained him and again drew up a protocol under Art. 19.11 Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus. When the man was in the pre-trial detention center, a third protocol was drawn up against him.

As it became known , the businessman is in a pre-trial detention center, he has already been charged under a criminal article for libel against A.G. Lukashenka.

While the man was in jail, his mother died.

Viktor sued the tax authorities and defended entrepreneurs from the Grodno region in courts.

On October 24, 2023, an appeal hearing was held. The verdict came into force.

20.05.2023 03.05 у него умер отец
29.04.2023 При задержании прямо в микроавтобусе был избит. Позже избили в 9-м управлении ГУБОПиК. Сильно повредили ногу.
Trial outcome 31.08.2023:

3 years in prison in a penal colony.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Send a letter Bank of letters 3
In custody: 440 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 16.08.1986
Address for letters: IK №17, 213004, Shklov, ul. 1-ya Zavodskaya, 8
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On April 21, 2023, in the Central District Court of Minsk, Vladimir was tried and sentenced to four years of restriction of freedom, sent to an open correctional facility ("chemistry") and a fine of 200 basic units (7,400 rubles). Vladimir managed to partially serve his sentence.

A few months later, Vladimir was re-detained for chemotherapy in order to increase his punishment. The man has been in custody since July 10, 2023.

Vladimir was accused of leaving an offensive comment “scum” on the telegram channel “Punisher of Belarus” on July 5, 2021, in the direction of a police major of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ivanovo District Executive Committee. In 2020, the policeman was involved in “protecting public order” and was involved in the consideration of administrative cases that were filed en masse against Belarusians for participating in protests.

Trial outcome 25.08.2023:

1). 4 years of restriction of freedom with direction

2). 2.5 years of imprisonment in a general regime colony

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Political prisoners
Bank of letters 0
In custody: 557 days
Hometown: Dobrush
Date of birth 27.01.1989
Address for letters: No information
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The meeting was of an off-site nature and took place in the premises of the communal unitary enterprise Dobrush.

The man was accused of leaving messages in one of the telegram chats with calls to participate in protest actions, and also sending "various news and information of a destructive nature" to the chat. At the trial, he said that he himself twice participated in protests. The man fully admitted his guilt and repented of what he had done.

Galymzhan Bakirov has a secondary education. He worked at the Dobrush paper mill.

Trial outcome 20.04.2023:

1.5 years of imprisonment in a colony under the general regime.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
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