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Potential persecutions
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Date of birth 07.02.1969
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According to the prosecution, on October 22, 2020, a 52-year-old native of Uzbekistan publicly insulted the head and employees of the Polotsk police department Alexander Garus , Vitaly Sheshukov and Denis Karasev. Among the "victims" are the head of the law enforcement department of the public security prevention department, Lieutenant Colonel Denis Karasev , as well as the deputy head of the Polotsk ITT, Major Vitaly Sheshukov , who were "threatened" by the woman.

Political persecutions
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Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 21.08.1995
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Denis Botyan was detained on August 5, 2021 and placed in a temporary detention center for three days. Subsequently, he was released on personal bail. Based on the materials of the investigation, voiced in court on October 25, Denis Botyan published a message on the Internet on September 8, 2020: “Urgent, drivers on Masherov! Block the traffic, do not let the security forces gather, help the protesters!”.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 1
In custody: 775 days
Date of birth 02.06.1999
Was in: IK-3IK №3
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Citizen of Russia, resident of Cheboksary. Detained on October 1, 2021. He was accused of terrorism (Article 289 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus), then the article was changed. He is in custody. There are no relatives in Belarus. Accused of setting fire to the car of the head of the forensic examination committee, Alexei Volkov.

In the fall of 2023, he was extradited to Russia due to his consent to participate in the fight on the side of Russia.

Trial outcome 02.11.2022:

10 years in prison under enhanced regime

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 1
In custody: 1068 days
Date of birth 25.04.1992
Was in: IK-17IK №17, 213004, Shklov, ul. 1-ya Zavodskaya, 8
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He was taken into custody in connection with charges under Part 3 of Article 371 of the Criminal Code for organizing illegal border crossings by citizens fleeing arbitrary politically motivated persecution by the authorities of Belarus, which could lead to grave consequences for them - torture, cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment and illegal deprivation of liberty. Despite the fact that he was tried for committing an act by a group of people, only Evgeniy was in the dock. According to the charges, he brought people to the border zone of Lithuania.

Released in the summer of 2024, having fully served the sentence imposed by the court.

Trial outcome:

4.5 years in prison in a penal colony

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 1
In custody: 999 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 26.10.1975
Was in: IK-2IK №2, 213800, Bobruysk, ul. Sikorskogo, 1
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According to the indictment, Dmitry Sonchik insulted and threatened the lives of four people in comments on one of the Telegram channels during 2020-2021. The victims were A. Perekhvatko from the Ivatsevichi District Department of Internal Affairs, the head of the Nesvizh District Department of Internal Affairs A. Grinkevich, senior lieutenant of the Nesvizh District Department of Internal Affairs R. Pranevich and an employee of the GUBOPiK A. Aleksa.

In the last word, the only thing that Sonchik said was congratulating his sister and mother, who were in the courtroom, on the upcoming Mother's Day. All the time he was behind bars in handcuffs.

On March 23, 2024, he was released after fully serving the sentence imposed by the court.

Trial outcome:

3 years in prison .

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 356 days
Date of birth 15.10.1994
Was in: IUOT-29IUOT-29, Volkovysk, Rokossovskogo, 118, 230415
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He was detained on May 30, 2021: he was accused of planting a man who reached for a red-green flag in order to rip it off the Urech House of Culture and Creativity on May 29, 2021. After the arrest, the man spent three days in the pre-trial detention center of the Lyubansky District Department of Internal Affairs, after which he was released pending trial.

Trial outcome 06.09.2021:

1 year of restriction of freedom with referral to open institutions.

On September 30, 2022, he was released after the expiration of his sentence.

Oleg Garmazinsky
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Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 600 days
Hometown: Senica
Number of children: 1 child
Was in: Turma №8Turma №8, Zhodino, Sovetskaya ul. 22A, 222163
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Technician-programmer from Sennitsa. It is known from the materials of the prosecution that Garmazinsky, using the Internet and a mobile phone in the telegram channel “My Country Belarus”, on November 18, 2020 and January 18, and also on March 23, 2021, posted several offensive messages that contained negative assessments of the first person of the state . One of them concerned the situation with the Ice Hockey World Championship. He was taken into custody in the courtroom.

06/05/2023 released after the expiration of the sentence.

Trial outcome:

2 years of imprisonment in a penal colony

Political persecutions
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Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 19.09.1973
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The owner of the portal "Virtual Brest". Was convicted for the comment.

Trial outcome:

1.5 years of "home chemistry".

Political persecutions
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Hometown: Telmy
Date of birth 14.06.1985
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According to the investigation, on December 18, 2020, Tatyana put "an insulting inscription on the door of the mailbox of the judge of the Brest Regional Court Senko Ruslana Albertovna, counting on its repeated reading and perception." The defendant pleaded not guilty.

Trial outcome:

2, 5 years of "home chemistry".

Political persecutions
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In custody: 89 days
Date of birth 04.03.2001
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was detained along with the guys on November 1 at the March against terror in Minsk.

Trial outcome 29.01.2021:

2 years of restriction of liberty without a referral .

Potential persecutions
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Volunteer of the Gomel branch of the Human Rights Center "Vesna".

She was detained late in the evening on January 18 and placed in a temporary detention center. Her house was also searched. Previously, Maria Tarasenko actively advocated the abolition of the so-called decree on "parasites" and sued local officials of the Gomel region, who forbade protests against the decree. She was released three days later on bail.

Political persecutions
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chief accountant of IT-company PandaDoc.

She was detained on September 2, 2020 on the same day in the Minsk office of PandaDoc, as well as in the private apartments of some of its employees, searches were carried out by employees of the Financial Investigation Department of the State Control Committee.

The founder of PandaDoc, Nikita Mikado, after the events of August 6-11, launched the Protect Belarus initiative to help law enforcement officers who lost their jobs due to their refusal to follow criminal orders. During this time, the initiative has received more than 500 applications for such assistance, and some of these stories have received wide publicity. She was released from custody on October 13, the preventive measure was changed to a written undertaking not to leave.

Political persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Date of birth 11.09.1985
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According to the accusation brought against Yulia Bodak, on 10/23/2020, she, together with other citizens, made a scarecrow, “presenting him to the public as the President of the Republic of Belarus, attaching to it two sheets of paper, on which an unidentified person made the inscription “stole the votes” and” condemned the innocent ”, hung a scarecrow on a tree on a plot of land along the Varshavskoe highway, thereby exposing the scarecrow for inspection by an indefinite circle of people."

Olga Alexandrovna Pavlova
  • Associations
  • Parents of minors
Potential persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 1
Date of birth 26.05.1988
Number of children: 1 child
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Forced emigration
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  • Parents of minors

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Arrested November 15, 2020. After the elections, she took part in protests. She was arrested 4 times. The last time - at a rally on the "Square of Changes", after which a criminal case was opened against her.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 2
In custody: 729 days
Hometown: Gomel
Date of birth 07.11.1982
Was in: IUOT-36IUOT-36, 220039, Minsk, ul. Korotkevicha, 14
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Convicted of insulting a government official during execution.

According to human rights activists, he will be released in the winter of 2024.

28.12.2021 On December 24, 2021, the court of appeal upheld the sentence of 2 years of chemistry with a referral to the IUOT
25.12.2021 24.12.2021 The regional court upheld the appeal

Trial outcome:

2 years of restriction of liberty with a referral.

Pre-trial detention facilities/Prisons
Minsk and Minsk region
Brest and Brest region
Vitebsk and Vitebsk region
Gomel and Gomel region
Grodno and Grodno region
Mogilev and Mogilev region
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