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Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 1
In custody: 493 days
folder Categories of cases: Zeltser's case
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 17.03.1975
Was in: IK-15IK №15, 212013, Mogilev, p/o Veyno, Slavgorodskoye shosse 183
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was detained on September 30, 2021 in a criminal case initiated for comments on the Internet after the death of KGB officer Dmitry Fedosyuk and IT specialist Andrei Zeltser in a Minsk apartment.

Released in the winter of 2023 upon expiration of his sentence.

Trial outcome 10.10.2022:

2 years of imprisonment in a colony under general regime conditions.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 524 days
folder Categories of cases: Zeltser's case
Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 26.09.1989
Was in: SIZO-7SIZO-7, Brest, Sovetskih Pogranichnikov 37, 224030
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was detained on October 1, 2021 in Brest in a criminal case initiated for comments on the Internet after the death of KGB officer Dmitry Fedosyuk and IT specialist Andrei Zeltser in a Minsk apartment.

In the first half of March 2023, he was released after the expiration of his sentence.

Trial outcome:

2 years in prison .

Alexey Vladimirovich Senkov
  • Associations
  • Civil servants
Potential persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 668 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 07.09.1978
Number of children: 1 child
Was in: Turma №4Turma №4, Mogilev, Krupskaya 99A, 212011
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  • Civil servants
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Until 2020, he worked in the Investigative Committee in various positions. Retired Lieutenant Colonel of Justice. Convicted for participation in the marches on August 16 and 23, 2020.

On April 12, 2023, Alexey was released after serving his entire sentence.

After Senkov’s release, he was detained again at the end of July 2023. Propagandists claim that Alexey allegedly “tried to involve his former colleagues in resolving the issue for a bribe. At the same time, he committed obviously illegal actions in the interests of a Ukrainian citizen serving a sentence.”

On October 30, 2023, the verdict was announced in a new criminal case - 3 years of strict regime with confiscation and a fine of 400 basic.

Trial outcome 30.10.2023:

2 years in a general regime colony

Grigory Alexandrovich Chegodaev
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Political persecutions
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Veterinarian. Convicted for throwing a chicken egg into a traffic police car on August 10, 2020.

Trial outcome:

2 years of "home chemistry"

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 668 days
Hometown: Lida
Date of birth 05.01.1999
Was in: SIZO-5SIZO-5, Bobruisk per. 1 Perezdny Lane 10, 213826
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According to the indictment, Kaminsky and four other people, acting in a group with other people, threw pieces of paving slabs and other objects into police cars. This concerns the protest action in Lida on August 12, 2020.

According to human rights activists, he was released in the summer of 2023.

Trial outcome 10.02.2022:

3.5 years of restriction of freedom with referral to an open-type correctional institution ("chemistry"). On February 10, 22, by a court decision, the regime was replaced with a stricter one for a period of 1 year and 5 months in prison.

Gennady Nikolaevich Mozheiko
  • Associations
  • Journalists
Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 1
In custody: 783 days
folder Categories of cases: Zeltser's case, Journalistic work
Date of birth 11.05.1982
Was in: IK-3IK №3
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  • Associations
  • Journalists
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On October 1, 2021, a search was carried out in Mozheiko’s house, a little later he was detained and placed in a detention center on Akrestsina Street as part of an initiated criminal case for an article in a publication about Andrey Zeltser. The Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation and the Union of Journalists of Russia called for the immediate release of the journalist

Mozheiko is the author of an article about Andrei Zeltser, a Minsk resident killed in a shootout with KGB officers. According to the prosecution, Mozheiko “acting on the basis of political and ideological hostility, committed a number of crimes between June 23, 2020 and October 2021.” He also “made and posted on the Internet negative, obscene and unacceptable” statements regarding Lukashenka.

The journalist pleaded not guilty in court.

01/23/2023 released after expiration of sentence.

Trial outcome 23.03.2023:

3 years of imprisonment in a penal colony

Political persecutions
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Alexander was tried for writing an offensive comment in Odnoklassniki on June 21, 2021, under a post about police officer Igor Volnich .

Trial outcome:

1.5 years of restriction of freedom without a referral.

Political persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Pinsk
Date of birth 19.07.1993
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Bogacheva was accused of commenting on a publication on the telegram channel "Punishers of Belarus" on January 15 about a senior assistant to the prosecutor Valeria Taratynko , who supported the prosecution in many politically motivated cases. Anna Bogacheva wrote: "Well, nothing, then she will work as an escort, sh**a!".

Trial outcome:

1.5 years of restriction of freedom without a referral.

Political persecutions
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Initially, Sudnik was charged under Art. 369 of the Criminal Code for insulting Oleg Gaidukevich, however, due to the fact that the "crime" was committed on a call to 102, he was recognized as non-public and the charges were dropped.

Such conditions of “non-publicity” do not apply to Article 368 of the Criminal Code: the court considered that the policeman heard the insult and passed it on, which made it public. Therefore, Sudnik was found guilty that on January 6, 2021, she called the police twice and insulted Lukashenka .

Trial outcome:

2 years of restriction of liberty without a referral.

Political persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 30.03.1988
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Nadezhda was accused of insulting an official on social networks, a police officer who did not appear at the meeting. Nadezhda Kuznetsova has a higher education and is raising two minor children.

Trial outcome:

2 years of restriction of liberty without a referral.

Political persecutions
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According to the indictment, on April 30, 2021, Dmitry Smantser insulted Ruslan Kutsko, the detective of the group for combating economic crimes of the criminal police of the Ivatsevichi District Executive Committee, and left a comment on the Luhta telegram channel under a post about deanonymization of Kutsko with the following content: "Kutsko is <obscene word>" .

On October 27, 2023, the term of serving the sentence ended.

Trial outcome:

2 years of restriction of liberty without a referral.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 8
In custody: 389 days
Hometown: Gomel
Date of birth 24.03.1982
Was in: SIZO-3SIZO-3, Gomel, ul. Knizhnaya 1A, 246144
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The Gomel volunteer, who was present at the trials of political prisoners, helped with the transfers and wrote letters of support. On July 8, 2021, Ilya was arrested by the KGB as a witness in an "act of terrorism". On July 16 he was released. On September 30, 2021, Ilya was arrested for 3 days. Mironov did not go free and was transferred to a pre-trial detention center.

Since Ilya was in a pre-trial detention center for more than a year, as a result of calculating the term 1 to 2 (1 day in a pre-trial detention center is equal to 1.5 days in a colony), he was released in the courtroom.

Trial outcome:

1.5 years in prison and 200 basic fines

Political prisoners
Bank of letters 0
In custody: 1174 days
Hometown: Gomel
Date of birth 07.08.1986
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Compulsory treatment
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Prokhorenko was detained in Gomel on August 11, 2020, severely beaten in the Novobelitsky district police department and, accused of participating in an unauthorized mass event, punished with administrative arrest for 12 days.

According to the official accusation, Yuri was subscribed to channels where the personal data of the security forces were published. From December last year to April 2021, he wrote comments of an offensive nature, expressed in an indecent form. During the three months of imprisonment, Yuri lost 20 kilograms. The young man is in a depressed state, he has panic attacks.

Trial outcome:

Forced medical treatment.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Date of birth 04.11.1974
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Travel restriction
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For what reason the woman is kept in a pre-trial detention center is unknown. She has a public lawyer. Natalya Belobekhova works as a teacher-defectologist. She brings up two minor children (11 and 16 years old). It is known that Natalya is involved in a criminal case initiated under an article on treason against the state against employees of Belarusian factories who supported the strike and were members of the Workers' Movement. This initiative was recognized as extremist on September 21, and at the same time, workers were detained throughout the country.

She was released on November 12, 2021 on bail.

Former political prisoners
Request letters Bank of letters 0
In custody: 256 days
Hometown: Kischina Sloboda
Date of birth 08.02.2000
Was in: IUOT-9IUOT-9, 210034, Vitebsk, ul. 3-ya Chepinskaya, 39
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Arrested for graffiti at an abandoned construction site. He spent three months in custody, was released on 12/08/2021 on the day of the verdict.

20.04.2022 In April, he was registered as prone to extremist and other destructive activities. Located in IFET 9 Vitebsk
27.01.2022 Court of Appeal 25.02.2022
Trial outcome 08.12.2021:

1 year of restriction of liberty in a closed institution

09/28/2022 released after the expiration of the sentence

Pre-trial detention facilities/Prisons
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Brest and Brest region
Vitebsk and Vitebsk region
Gomel and Gomel region
Grodno and Grodno region
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In the HRC "Viasna" list
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