Collection of information on administrative prosecutions

We are collecting data on administrative prosecutions for political reasons. If you have such information, please share it with us.

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Karsek Artem
Karsek Artem
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Date: 2021-05-27
Place: Гародня, Кастрычніцкі
Judge: Шпак Валеры
Sapun Stanislav
Sapun Stanislav
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Date: 2021-05-27
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Жуковіч Алена
Bogush Svetlana
Bogush Svetlana
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Date: 2021-05-27
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Волк Аляксандр
Ilya Prusakov
Ilya Prusakov
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Date: 2021-05-26
Place: Менск, раённы
Judge: Казлова Анжаліка
Bordak Yuri
Bordak Yuri
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Date: 2021-05-26
Place: Нясьвіж
Judge: Unknown
Yermachok Alena
Yermachok Alena
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Date: 2021-05-26
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Волк Аляксандр
Ilya Zagornov
Ilya Zagornov
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Date: 2021-05-26
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Волк Аляксандр
Yefremov Ivan
Yefremov Ivan
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Date: 2021-05-26
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Волк Аляксандр
Gatsko Svetlana
Gatsko Svetlana
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Date: 2021-05-26
Place: Менск, Заводзкі
Judge: Асіпчык Анастасія
Borodina Angelika
Borodina Angelika
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Date: 2021-05-25
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Жуковіч Алена
Silich Ales
Silich Ales
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Date: 2021-05-25
Place: Менск, Першамайскі
Judge: Ліннік Тацьцяна
Natalya Trotskaya
Natalya Trotskaya
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Date: 2021-05-25
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Жуковіч Алена
Lupach Zmytser
Lupach Zmytser
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Date: 2021-05-25
Place: Глыбокае, раённы
Judge: Тарасевіч Андрэй
Lupach Zmytser
Lupach Zmytser
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Date: 2021-05-25
Place: Браслаў, Браслаўскі
Judge: Пракопчык Вольга
Dlusky I.L.
Dlusky I.L.
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Менск, Цэнтральны
Judge: Шабуня Вікторыя
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