Collection of information on administrative prosecutions

We are collecting data on administrative prosecutions for political reasons. If you have such information, please share it with us.

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Khramtsov A.O.
Khramtsov A.O.
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Менск, Цэнтральны
Judge: Шабуня Вікторыя
Larisa Shchirakova
Larisa Shchirakova
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Гомель, Цэнтральны
Judge: Кармановіч Сяргей
Potapov Pavel
Potapov Pavel
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Менск, Цэнтральны
Judge: Петраш Аляксандр
Petrovich Ryhor
Petrovich Ryhor
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Менск, Цэнтральны
Judge: Петраш Аляксандр
Maksim Yaroshenka
Maksim Yaroshenka
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Менск, Цэнтральны
Judge: Петраш Аляксандр
Natalia Tikhinskaya
Natalia Tikhinskaya
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Жуковіч Алена
Kashkan Mikhail
Kashkan Mikhail
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Менск, Цэнтральны
Judge: Петраш Аляксандр
Kashkan Ivan
Kashkan Ivan
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Менск, Цэнтральны
Judge: Петраш Аляксандр
Kulpo Alexander
Kulpo Alexander
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Менск, Цэнтральны
Judge: Петраш Аляксандр
Yevhen Sushkevich
Yevhen Sushkevich
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Жуковіч Алена
Horostyuk Anastasia
Horostyuk Anastasia
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Берасьце, Ленінскі
Judge: Шурын Дзмітрый
Zyankovskaya Lizaveta
Zyankovskaya Lizaveta
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Берасьце, Ленінскі
Judge: Шурын Дзмітрый
Emelyanov Yahor
Emelyanov Yahor
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Жуковіч Алена
Iryna Koneva
Iryna Koneva
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Менск, Савецкі
Judge: Unknown
Dashchinskaya Lyubov
Dashchinskaya Lyubov
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Date: 2021-05-24
Place: Менск
Judge: Целіца Лідзія
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