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Sergey Alexandrovich Romanov
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In custody: 1431 day
folder Categories of cases: "Black Flag"
Hometown: Gomel
Date of birth 07.06.1994
Address for letters: IK-9, Gorki, 213410, ul. Dobroliubova, 16
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Anarchist. On the night of October 28-29, 2020, he was detained while crossing the border of Belarus. Sergei was charged under Articles 289 and 295 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

Previously, he served a sentence of 5 years in prison under Article 295-3 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus and was released in 2019.

On October 29, 2021, in Gomel, he was sentenced to 1 year in prison for violating supervision under the previous political article.

On March 23, 2023, Sergei was put on trial under Part 2 of Article 411 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, and the judge sentenced him to an additional 11 months of imprisonment.

23.03.2023 Added 11 months for 411 Now located in the IVS, st. Sovetskaya 46, Volkovysk, Grodno region, 231900

Trial outcome 23.03.2023:

20 years and 11 months imprisonment under strict security conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Dmitry Grigorievich Rezanovich
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In custody: 1431 day
folder Categories of cases: "Black Flag"
Hometown: Gomel
Date of birth 12.11.1989
Address for letters: IK-14, 222125, Minsk region, s.n.p. Novosady, ul. Mira 1A
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Anarchist. On the night of October 28-29, 2020, he was detained while crossing the border of Belarus. together with the anarchist partisan group Black Banner. Together with his comrades, he was accused of setting fire to the cars of government officials, the traffic police department and the state forensic examination committee.

In March 2024, it became known that Dmitry Rezanovich would be tried on March 26, 2024 under Art. 411 part 2 “Malicious disobedience to the requirements of the administration of a correctional institution executing a sentence of imprisonment.” Under this article, prisoners who refuse to cooperate with the administration are tried for fictitious violations. Dmitry had an additional 9 months of imprisonment added to his 19-year sentence.

Trial outcome 26.03.2024:

19 years 9 months imprisonment under enhanced security conditions

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Dmitry Nikolaevich Dubovsky
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In custody: 1431 day
folder Categories of cases: "Black Flag"
Hometown: Salihorsk
Date of birth 29.07.1986
Address for letters: Turma №4, Mogilev, Krupskaya 99A, 212011
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Anarchist. He was detained on the night of October 28-29, 2020 while trying to cross the border of Belarus.

Dmitry was charged under Articles 289, 295 and 333-1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus and sentenced to 18 years in prison in a maximum security colony. On November 25, 2022, the second verdict was pronounced in court. He was found guilty under Part 2 of Article 339 and Part 2 of Article 218 of the Criminal Code and was sentenced to five years in prison in a maximum security colony. By partial addition of sentences, Dmitry was finally sentenced to 20 years in prison.

In August 2023, he was transferred to prison regime for “violating the rules of the order.”

Trial outcome 25.11.2022:

(1) 18 years of imprisonment under enhanced security conditions;

(2) 5 years of imprisonment in a maximum security colony;

By partial addition: 20 years of imprisonment in a maximum security colony

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
Igor Vladimirovich Olinevich
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Send a letter Bank of letters 13
In custody: 1431 day
folder Categories of cases: "Black Flag"
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 24.09.1983
Guardian: Alina Kovshik
Address for letters: Turma №8, Zhodino, Sovetskaya ul. 22A, 222163
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Igor is an activist of the anarchist movement and a former political prisoner in the "anarchist case" in 2010. He was detained while crossing the border of Belarus on the night of October 28-29, 2020 and accused of "arson" and "terrorism".

In August 2022, by a court decision, Igor was transferred to prison regime.

In early July 2024, Igor was transferred to a hospital in Kolyadichi. He was admitted there with a suspected stomach ulcer, which worsened after a hunger strike he conducted from June 13 to 26 in the "SHIZO" of Zhodino Prison No. 8, where he is serving his sentence.

Trial outcome 22.12.2021: 20 years of imprisonment in colony under enhanced security conditions, approximately 11000 rubles of compensation.

Appeal 22.04.2022: the sentence was upheld.

Trial outcome 08.08.2022: 3 years of prison regime.

After the sentence comes into effect, it is only possible to write letters to a prisoner. According to article 85 of the Penal Enforcement Code, prisoners cannot receive money transfers from persons who are not family members. Parcels are also only possible from relatives. If you want to help, help families directly, if this option is available on the prisoner's card.
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