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Political persecutions
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Convicted for liking on the Odnoklassniki social network and for commenting.

Trial outcome:

2.5 years of restriction of liberty without a referral.

Political persecutions
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Hometown: Salihorsk
Date of birth 24.12.1991
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Resident of Soligorsk. Convicted for comment.

Trial outcome:

2 years of restriction of liberty without a referral.

Former political prisoners
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In custody: 84 days
Date of birth 14.07.1987
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Correctional work/fine
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citizen of Ukraine, detained on October 1, 2021 for "insulting".

Trial outcome:

Fine 100 basic 100bv + 3000 compensation to the "victim"

Political persecutions
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Hometown: Bolshoe Stiklevo
Date of birth 13.05.1988
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Convicted for participating in the march on September 6, 2020.

Political persecutions
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folder Categories of cases: Protests 2020, Minsk
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 27.12.1981
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Since September 14, 2021, Koranevsky has been taken into custody in a pre-trial detention center for participating in protests. Released on November 2, 2021 in the courtroom.

Trial outcome:

3 years of restriction of liberty without a referral.

Political persecutions
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In custody: 3 days
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 12.07.1992
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Little is known about the case: at the request of the prosecutor's office, the court considered the issue of holding the court session behind closed doors, since the case materials contain extremist materials from the Punishers of Belarus channel and chat.

Trial outcome:

2 years of restriction of liberty without a referral.

Political persecutions
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Hometown: Karelichy
Date of birth 28.02.1989
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According to the prosecution, Tatyana Chak left an insulting comment in the telegram group “Korelichi 97%” addressed to Alexei Kot with the following content: “Are you talking about this creature?”.

Trial outcome:

3 years of restriction of liberty without a referral.

Political persecutions
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According to the materials of the prosecution, in the period from June 23 to June 26, 2020, under the publication of Vladimir Lazarev with a photo of an employee of the Bobruisk police department, lieutenant colonel Rudko Deranchuk, left a comment on Facebook: "Mean bitch."

Trial outcome:

1 year of restriction of liberty without a referral.

Political persecutions
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Hometown: Malech
Date of birth 25.07.1977
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According to the indictment, on August 27, 2020, Olga Sizova left a comment on the Odnoklassniki social network under a post with the victim on the page of Andriy Lomsha with the following content: “Goat” , containing an indecent and negative assessment of police colonel Viktor Turchinovich.

Trial outcome:

1.5 years of restriction of freedom without a referral.

Political persecutions
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Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 26.02.1995
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Convicted for " publishing a comment containing a rude insult against Kutsko".

Trial outcome:

1.5 years of restriction of freedom without a referral.

Political persecutions
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Hometown: Dukora
Date of birth 17.06.1970
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Igor was found guilty under Art. 369 of the Criminal Code that on June 25, 2020, at lunchtime at the workplace, he posted an insulting comment addressed to the senior inspector of the Gantsevichi District Department of Internal Affairs Volnich. The comment contained the word “nit” and was posted under a photograph showing a PPS inspector kneeling on the head of a man lying on the ground and handcuffed.

Trial outcome:

1.5 years of restriction of freedom without a referral.

Political persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 20.06.1964
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On October 27, a man was found guilty of insulting a police officer from Grodno, Vladimir Kozlovsky, the same policeman who fell to the ground during a brawl on May 29 last year at an election picket to collect signatures for the nomination of Svetlana Tikhanovskaya as a presidential candidate. According to the prosecution, Vasilevsky left a comment in Odnoklassniki under Olga Karach's post with the word "scum." Vasilevsky, who has a second group disability due to heart problems, was detained for almost a month for commenting. After the announcement of the verdict, he was released in the courtroom.

Trial outcome 27.10.2021:

2.5 years of "home chemistry" year

Political persecutions
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Hometown: Minsk
Date of birth 21.08.1995
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Denis Botyan was detained on August 5, 2021 and placed in a temporary detention center for three days. Subsequently, he was released on personal bail. Based on the materials of the investigation, voiced in court on October 25, Denis Botyan published a message on the Internet on September 8, 2020: “Urgent, drivers on Masherov! Block the traffic, do not let the security forces gather, help the protesters!”.

Political persecutions
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Hometown: Brest
Date of birth 19.09.1973
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The owner of the portal "Virtual Brest". Was convicted for the comment.

Trial outcome:

1.5 years of "home chemistry".

Political persecutions
Request letters Bank of letters 0
Hometown: Telmy
Date of birth 14.06.1985
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According to the investigation, on December 18, 2020, Tatyana put "an insulting inscription on the door of the mailbox of the judge of the Brest Regional Court Senko Ruslana Albertovna, counting on its repeated reading and perception." The defendant pleaded not guilty.

Trial outcome:

2, 5 years of "home chemistry".

Pre-trial detention facilities/Prisons
Minsk and Minsk region
Brest and Brest region
Vitebsk and Vitebsk region
Gomel and Gomel region
Grodno and Grodno region
Mogilev and Mogilev region
In Russia
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